
  • Может кто-нибудь проверить насколько правильно составлены предложения. Спасибо заранее.

    The problem is that we often take for granted the positive things which happen to us even without realizing that they could go wrong way.

    We went home after yesterday's dinner.

    My desktop on computer is filled up with unnecessary files and tags.

    in a worst-case scenario I would need to call someone who could open closed doors.
    В самом худшем случаем, мне бы понадобилось позвонить тому кто мог открыть закрытые двери.

    It didn't take a long time and after saying good bye to my friend I set off to my house.

    In the end it happened what happenуd. В конце произошло то, что произошло.

  • we went home after yesterday's dinner - правильно
    my computer's desktop is cluttered with...
    in the worst-case scenario i would have had to call someone who could open the closed doors.
    ...set off for my house
    in the end, what happened, happened