все времена

  • I never (1) _____________ (to be) white water rafting before ... and now I know why! There were 8 of us crammed into a flimsy rubber boat clutching our paddles as if our lives (2) _________ (to depend) on them. The leader sat in the back, presumably so that he didn’t have to look into our terrified eyes. I was scared stiff. I (3) ____________ (to be) extremely reluctant about going rafting but foolishly (4) ______________ (to allow) my friend to persuade me. The river was a churning mess of murky brown water, creamy foam, branches and other debris that was unidentifiable because it (5) _____________ (to move) so fast. There (6) _____________ (to be) a torrential rain only the week before.
    As soon as we (7) ___________ (to set off), we (8) ________ (to toss) about violently by the furious torrent. It was almost impossible to hear the instructions the leader (9) __________ (to bellow) above the roar of the water. Our attention was fully occupied by desperate efforts to avoid the menacing rocks that surrounded us. Then before I (10) ______________ (to realise) what (11) _____________ (to happen) we came to this sickening drop. Gallons of water rushed into the boat. Then I felt I (12) _____________ (to hurl) backwards into the river.
    Somehow I managed to cling to the leader’s paddle. He (13) _____________ (to scream) something at me, but I had no idea what. The boat (14) ______________ (to lurch) uncontrollably as I (15) _______________ (to try) desperately to heave myself back into it. But I (16) ______________ (to manage) to clamber back into the boat only after we (17) ______________ (to find) ourselves in a large expanse of relatively calm water. It was the first time I (18) ____________ (to be) such a quivering mass of sodden terror.

  • Have been, depended, had been, allowed, was moving, had been.....
    Практически одни прошедшие.

  • ..только в (1) "never" нужно поставить между "have" и "been".

  • С 7:set off, were tossed, was bellowing, realised, happened, was hurled...

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  • А не was happening?

  • Вполне, или происходит, или произошло.

  • Есть еще один вариант: Then before I realized what had happened...

    Somehow I managed to cling to the leader’s paddle. He (13) ___was screaming __________ (to scream) something at me, but I had no idea what. The boat (14) ____was lurching __________ (to lurch) uncontrollably as I (15) ____was trying ___________ (to try) desperately to heave myself back into it. But I (16) _____managed _________ (to manage) to clamber back into the boat only after we (17) _____had found _________ (to find) ourselves in a large expanse of relatively calm water. It was the first time I (18) _____had been seized by _______ (to be) such a quivering mass of sodden terror.

  • 17,18 может быть и past simple и past perfect.

  • Да.
    Но это кто как понимает и чувствует.
    Я лично исходил из конструкционных особенностей предложений и личного опыта, почерпнутого из многочисленных художественных произведений, особенно американских авторов.