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  • Practical tasks
    1. State whether the ing-form is a participle, a gerund, or a verbal noun
    1. Looking back upon that time was like remembering something that had happened long ago, when he was much younger. 2.Looking back upon that time, I thought that all might have been different hadit not been For the interference of my parents. 3. Dave lived there like a rent-paying tenant, his comings and goings being of small concern to the others. 4.The distraught Jenny, sitting by her sleeping child, was at last made to realize, by its peaceful breathing, that all danger was over. 5. She left off ringing, and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, buried her face in her hands. 6. With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him. 7. There was the sound of rocking a chair in the room, and of a woman singing. 8.He cursed himself for having come, and at the same time resolved that, happen what would, having come, he would carry it through.

    2. Combine or paraphrase the following sentences, using non-finite forms of the verb (give several variants where possible).
    1. He tore the envelope open and took out the enclosed letter. He turned it several times in his hand and put it back unread. 2. When Andrew was reinforced by this information he immediately went down to the hall and rang up his wife. 3. We came to the party; we found everybody gathered. 4. He wanted me to speak in public; he insisted on it. 5. Martin poured out the wine clumsily and spilt some of it on the table cloth. 6. Every oilier minute he would push up his sleeve and look at the watch. 7. He reads into the early hours of the morning. This habit of his will have its say on his health one fine day. 8. When lie saw me in tin's dress he burst into laughter. He couldn't help it. 9. If such machines are applied in agriculture, they will save farmers much time and labour. 10.They made the garden shady; they had planted more trees in it.

  • Упражнения не для новичков.
    Здесь не одна тема, а целых три.
    Для начала их надо как следует тщательно проработать и только потом выполнять подобные задания.
    У герундия четыре формы, у причастия пять.
    Отглагольное существительное может употребляться и во множественном числе, раз оно существительное. Перед ним может стоять артикль. чего нет перед герундием и причастием.

    Упражнение 2.
    Показываю на двух примерах, как это делается.
    1. He tore the envelope open and took out the enclosed letter. He turned it several times in his hand and put it back unread. ---Вторую часть оставляем без изменений, в первой употребляем лиюо причастие, либо герундий. Tearing the envelope open and taking out the enclosed letter, he turned it ... . Здесь мы личные формы глаголов переводим в причастия.
    After tearing the envelope open and taking out the enclosed letter, he turned it ... . Появлется предлог AFTER, значит в предложении инговая форма уже не причастие. а герундий.

    4. He wanted me to speak in public; he insisted on it---Если внимательно присмотреться к этому предложению, то мы увидим в нем глагол TO INSIST ON. При чтении материала о герундии вы обязательно подойдете к глаголам с предлогами, после которых у потребляется гурундий. Глагол в предложении---один из таих глаголов. Поэтому переделываем предложении следующим образом: He insisted on my speaking in public. Можно сохранить перовую часть предложения. а во второй дать герундий---He wanted me to speak in public and he insisted on my doing it.

    В любом случае без солидной теоретической базы вы просто поломаете предложения и наделаете кучу ошибок.

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  • по теме первого,думаете это верно
    1. a verbal noun
    2. a gerund
    3. a participle; a verbal noun; a verbal noun, a gerund
    4. a gerund; a participle; a verbal noun
    5. a verbal noun; a gerund
    6. a verbal noun; a participle
    7. a participle; a participle
    8. a participle

  • по теме первого,думаете это верно
    1. a verbal noun
    2. a gerund
    3. a participle; a verbal noun; a verbal noun, a gerund
    4. a gerund; a participle; a verbal noun
    5. a verbal noun; a gerund
    6. a verbal noun; a participle
    7. a participle; a participle
    8. a participle

  • Нет, я так не думаю.
    Есть ошибки, которые надо исправить.