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  • II. Открыть скобки:
    1. The sip (to put) to sea in 2 days.
    2. Our engine seldom (to repair).
    3. By 4 tomorrow I (to get) a letter from her.
    4. The sailors (to paint) the mast now.
    5. We just (to leave) the fishery zone.
    6. Our agent (to deliver) the provision by 9 yesterday.
    7. My mother (to cook) herself.
    8. He (to come) to the college at 8 yesterday.
    9. I (to have) much free time.
    10. At the age of 7 my son (to go) to school.

  • 1. The ship will put to sea in 2 days.
    2. Our engine is seldom repaired.
    3. By 4 tomorrow I will have got a letter from her.
    4. The sailors are painting the mast now.
    5. We have just left the fishery zone.
    6. Our agent had delivered the provision by 9 yesterday.
    7. My mother cooks herself.
    8. He came to the college at 8 yesterday.
    9. I have much free time.
    10. At the age of 7 my son went to school.