Present Perfect again

  • There is the paragraph:

    I'm trying to find an easy way of deploying only changed files to the webserver for deployment purpose. In times past I've used MSBuild, which could be told to only copy files that were newer than the ones on the target, but I'm in a hurry and don't want to try to figure out the newer version of MSBuild.

    This wrote native speaker
    Why "In times past I've used MSBuild" use Present Perfect ?

  • Возможно, это и native speaker, но не английского языка.
    Вот вы увидели одну неточность, я же вижу еще две.

  • in times past
    In the past; long ago.
    In times past, before telephones and the Internet, we relied on our family and neighbors for nearly every aspect of our lives.

    Глагол должен стоять в past simple.