Измените предложения, используя страдательный залог.

  • Model: Mary gave her a book. – She was given a book. A book was given to her.

    1) His friend never forget his help.
    2) They will promise your much but don’t imagine they will give your everything.
    3) I’m sure she will sort out her problems easily.
    4) Somebody calls her every day.
    5) Steve will make a report at the meeting.
    6) He explained to the teacher his reason of being late.
    7) We rented a special area inn an exhibition hall to display the new range of our products.
    8) Such companies as Visa, Mastercard and Access issue credit cards.
    9) We enclosed the list of missing articles to the complaint.
    10) We offer this information to you for using at work.
    11) The court charged all the drivers involved in the crash

  • https://www.study.ru/courses/pre-intermediate/zalogi