Помогите, пожалуйста

  • Use: asked, said or told to report each line of this dialogue.

    Rob: I have a problem at work.

    Sue: Have you missed another deadline?

    Rob: The problem is not my work, but the new manager

    Sue: What's wrong with her?

    Rod: She can't communicate clearly. And she doesn't listen to people's concerns

    Sue: What are you concerned about?

    Rob: I'm not worried about anything personally, but

    Sue: Well, anyway. Have you trie d talking to her?

    Rob: Well, no, I haven't. She's onlv starting work next Monday...

  • Делаем так:
    Rob told Sue that he had a problem at work.
    Sue asked him if he had missed another deadline.
    Rob sad that the problem was not his work. It was his new manager.

    Ну, и так далее делаем по аналогии.