Определение формы глаголов

  • Scientists who are concerned with such a problem generally agree that birds have some kind of so-called «second sense» that allows them to fly over land and water without getting (герундий, т.к. перед стоит предлог "without") lost.
    But people need help in finding (прич. 1, т.к. стоит перед зависимым словом "destination") their destination when piloting (прич.1, т.к. перед стоит when) their own airplanes.
    Navigation is the art of finding (герундий, т.к. перед стоит предлог "of") your way from where you start to your destination.
    Whether used by the seamen, explorer or the pilot, navigation falls into three basic categories: dead reckoning which is the basis for all navigation, celestial navigation which is flying (отглаг. сущ.) by the aid of the sun and other stars, and radio and radar navigation.
    Distance measuring (отглаг. сущ., т.к. стоит перед определением "distance" = дальномерное) equipment now used in many airplanes tells the pilot exactly how far he is from a radio station and at what speed he is travelling (может быть, герундий) over the ground.
    At the world's larger air terminals airplanes are provided with radar guidance as another means of guiding (герундий, т.к. перед стоит предлог "of") the pilot to the destination.
    With the help of an electronic transponder in each airplane which shows it on the radar screen, radar controllers guide hundreds of airplanes to landing (отглаг. сущ.).
    Because of the great improvement in electronic and radio navigation equipment, flying (отглаг. сущ.) to where you are going is done as efficiently as the birds do it and much more scientifically.

  • But people need help in finding (прич. 1, т.к. стоит перед зависимым словом "destination") their destination when piloting (прич.1, т.к. перед стоит when) their own airplanes.
    ---finding -герундий

    ...celestial navigation which is flying (отглаг. сущ.) by the aid of the sun and other stars, and radio and radar navigation.
    ---flying -герундий

    Distance measuring (отглаг. сущ., т.к. стоит перед определением "distance" = дальномерное) equipment now used in many airplanes tells the pilot exactly how far he is from a radio station and at what speed he is travelling (может быть, герундий) over the ground.
    ---measuring -нет, не существительное. Надо определить, является ли это оборудованием для измерения параметров или которое их измеряет. Если первое, то это герундий, если второе, то это причастие 1. Я лично склоняюсь ко второму варианту. Если мы перебросим слово measuring после слова equipment и оно не изменится,---это герундий. Если оно перейдет в глагол, то это причастие 1.
    travelling -причастие 1

    With the help of an electronic transponder in each airplane which shows it on the radar screen, radar controllers guide hundreds of airplanes to landing (отглаг. сущ.).
    ---landing -герундий

    Because of the great improvement in electronic and radio navigation equipment, flying (отглаг. сущ.) to where you are going is done as efficiently as the birds do it and much more scientifically.
    ---flying -герундий

    Здесь нет отглагольных существительных.

  • celestial navigation which is flying (прич в pres cont),measuring -- прич