A couple of geezers were sitting on a bench outside the nursing home, having a little chat. "How are you, Tom?" asked Marvin. "I'm not feeling well today - utterly exhausted," Tom replied. "I pulled a muscle and it's killing me." "That pulled muscle shouldn't make you so tired, though." "Well, it does if you pull it a couple of hundred times...."
A couple of geezers were sitting...
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- There was an old married couple that had happily...
- Elderly romance
- Grandma Saperstein and Grandpa Rabinowitz are sitting...
- The right rhythm
- This old man in his eighties got up and was putting on...
- 97 year old man comes to his doctor looking depressed...
- The 70-year-old man sat down in the orthopedic...
- Jake is 85, and he gets married to a 16-year-old.
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- A young boy was visiting his grandfather's farm...
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