To stop her 4-year old daughter from biting her nails, her mother tells her it'll make her fat. "I won't do it any more, Mom," says the daughter. Next day they are out walking when they meet a very fat man. "If I bite my fingernails, I'll be as fat as that, won't I Mom?" "You'll be fatter than that," says her mother. They get on a bus, and sitting opposite them is a very pregnant lady. The little girl can't take her eyes off the woman's belly. The pregnant lady feels increasingly uncomfortable under this stare, and finally leans forward and says to the little girl, "Excuse me, but do you know me?" And the little girl says, "No, but I know what you've been doing..."
To stop her 4-year old daughter from biting her nails...
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Другие анекдоты по теме:
- A six year old comes crying...
- A good student
- Little Johnny was assigned a paper on childbirth...
- A kid at a sleep-away camp wrote home...
- Sarah was a curious thirteen year old girl...
- A young boy, about eight years old, was at the corner...
- One day in class the teacher...
- A little boy did not go to school one day...
- Naming the kids
- Dear Santa...
- Весь список