Ardour Was I

текст песни Nightfall

Efthimis Karadimas / 94

Lured by the beauty of thou chantings
the ones being sang by your delicate slende body
sanctuary of thou precious faith furious soul hauntings
as the sky cries, mournful odes clamor saddy

Ardour was I

Charmed by the foulmoon's dasty hazy rays
Staring all white to those promising stars
shall I conquer the keyland's golden lace
I endow my firelike soul with million of stars

Lay with me souless fiancee, let me thread slip into the sea
this liquid horny heaven, your eden's markstone
Oh, how amazing is to feed, my generation's tree
awake the beast inside, my picture I'll you

Ardour was I
and Ardour still am I

Mesmerized in ecstasy's path I walk in etherial orbit

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