Cold Bloody Killer

текст песни Nightfall

Efthimis Karadimas/Nightfall 1997

Hey old man, can you read my lips
I shout to you, here I am, among the sheeps
For that stone of happyness I am looking for
I'm young, yet no innocent and ready to fight for...

This place that mortals call paradise
And for a whole life they suffer
This place that no worms from ground rise
They've all been shattered

In this so called "heaven" I want
To build my own black mansion
Leather for walls, flesh and bones
Bleeding throats to feed my passion.

Blast my will would be
As I reach the mortals' dream
End of hope, that's growing dim...

Here where I cried but no one could see
My tears have frozen, I'm no longer bleed
Red scripts I make, none's blood is waste
Me pen dives in red, quarry lies dead.

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