Идиомы на тему Negotiations

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  • drive a hard bargain
    заключить сделку без уступок
    Although we drove a hard bargain, our partners were quite content.
  • start the ball rolling
    начать что-либо делать
    I think it's time I started the ball rolling.
  • call the shots
    командовать, распоряжаться
    Mr. Gougle is calling the shots; he is in control of the company at present.
  • beat around the bush
    не давать прямого ответа, "ходить вокруг да около"
    "Stop beating around the bush. I want to get a direct answer."
  • down to the wire
    вплоть до крайнего срока
    The workers went down to the wire and were able to complete the construction of the bridge on time.
  • back down
    отступать, отказываться от своих притязаний или требований
    I could see that Allan would back down if I stood firm.
  • cut (someone) off
    прервать кого-либо, обрывать разговор
    Ben tried to tell his mother about the accident, but she cut him off before he had any opportunity.
  • ball is in (someone's) court
    приоритетное решение кого-либо (на чье-либо усмотрение)
    The ball is in your court; it's up to you to make the next step in negotiations.
  • talk (someone) into (doing something)
    уговорить кого-либо сделать что-либо
    I talked my friends into taking a car trip to the country.
  • back out (of something)
    отказываться от обещания, уклоняться, отступать
    "Look here, Adam! You have made a promise, and you can't back out of it."
  • get the ball rolling
    начать что-либо
    "If you want to arrange a homecoming party, let's get the ball rolling."
  • get down to brass tacks
    добраться до сути, установить полную ясность
    It was just like his brother to get down to brass tacks and finish this discussion.
  • break down
    проваливаться, терпеть неудачу
    We had grand plans, but they all broke down.
  • go over like a lead balloon
    провалиться с треском
    His project went over like a lead balloon and he was very upset.
  • draw the line
    установить предел, ограничить
    The government had to draw the line at selling imported goods in the country.
  • bring up (something)
    поднимать вопрос, заводить разговор
    I was hoping someone would bring up the question of the parking lot.
  • give-and-take
    компромисс, взаимные уступки
    There's got to be lots of give-and-take in the family life.
  • give ground
    уступать, отступать, сдавать свои позиции
    We must learn to give ground in order to gain further ground later.
  • drive at (something)
    намекать на что-либо
    "I do not know what you are driving at."
  • call off (something)
    отменять что-либо
    They called off the meeting because there was no quorum.
  • paint oneself into a corner
    загнать себя в угол; попасть в трудную ситуацию, из которой невозможно выбраться
    I have painted myself into a corner since I started missing Professor Stillford's lectures.
  • at stake
    (быть) поставленным на карту, рисковать
    The situation was very risky and George felt as if his whole life were at stake.
  • face down (someone)
    осадить кого-либо, нагнать страху
    I had to face down the blackmailer who was threatening me.
  • break off
    внезапно прекращать, обрывать
    Trenton was too courteous; he would not break off negotiations.
  • read between the lines
    читать между строк
    Millicent might have read between the lines; she might have had more knowledge about her husband's character.
  • come to terms
    придти к соглашению
    The Chief Executive and the labor union came to terms, and the strike was prevented.
  • come in low
    предложить низкую цену
    Our product was not selling well, so we had to come in low.
  • fall through
    потерпеть неудачу, провалиться
    Through no fault of theirs the plan fell through.
  • have a poker face
    иметь бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо
    George had a poker face when he tried to deceive me.
  • get to the bottom of (something)
    дойти до сути чего-либо
    "I'd like to get to the bottom of the matter all by myself," Cora said.
  • break through
    успешно преодолеть (трудности)
    Dr. Salk failed many times, but he finally broke through to find a successful vaccine.
  • make headway
    делать успехи, продвигаться вперёд
    Though they had been bargaining for nearly three days, they didn't make headway with the agreement.
  • get the message
    ясно понять значение (чего-либо)
    I told Gina to leave me alone, but I don't think she got the message.
  • get down to business
    взяться за дело
    "You've been fooling around long enough; it's time you got down to business."
  • talk (someone) out of (something)
    отговорить кого-либо от чего-либо, разубедить
    I tried to talk my husband out of buying a spots car, so far without any success.