Идиомы на тему Negotiations

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  • have two strikes against one
    быть в трудной ситуации, иметь что-либо работающее против кого-либо
    John has already had two strikes against him, and it will be very difficult for him to begin life anew.
  • take sides
    встать на чью-либо сторону, примкнуть к той или иной стороне
    It is always safer to take sides with a stronger party.
  • talk (something) over
    обсудить что-либо, обговорить
    "I'd like to talk over the existing problem with you, if you don't mind."
  • bog down
    застрять, увязнуть
    I have bogged down with all that typing I need to do today.
  • bring (something) off
    осуществлять что-либо, успешно завершать
    Lionel attempted almost the impossible and brought it off.
  • put one's cards on the table
    рассказать всё без утайки, открыть свои карты
    I put my cards on the table and told my parents what was worrying me.
  • meet (someone) halfway
    идти на уступки кому-либо, идти на компромисс
    His view of what should be done differed from ours, but he was willing to meet us halfway.
  • come up in a discussion
    стать предметом дискуссии
    The issue of extra office hours suddenly came up in a discussion during the meeting.
  • give in to (someone)
    уступать, сдаваться, прекращать спор
    He gave in to the wish of the majority.
  • drag on
    утомительно тянуться
    The meeting dragged on for more than two hours.
  • pull (something) off
    удачно завершить что-либо
    The plan was difficult and risky, but they pulled it off.
  • get to first base
    удаваться, удачно начинать
    Alison hoped to have met her English instructor, but she couldn't get to first base.
  • nail (something) down
    требовать от кого-либо выполнения чего-либо
    "Please nail down the exact place where you can meet with our supplier."
  • close ranks
    сомкнуть ряды, объединиться
    "We are facing hard times, so I appeal to you to close ranks."
  • bring (someone) to terms
    заставить кого-либо придти к соглашению
    Tim and Tom, the twin brothers, were brought to terms by their mother for riding the pony.
  • go back to square one
    начать всё с начала
    Kelly had to go back to square one to renew her project.
  • come back with an offer
    вернуться к переговорам с новым предложением
    They were able to come back with a new offer and close the deal.
  • play hardball (with someone)
    действовать решительно, круто с кем-либо
    I had to play hardball with my boss to make him agree to my proposal.
  • go back to the drawing board
    возвратиться и начать всё с начала
    If our negotiations fail, we'll have to go back to the drawing board and start over.
  • stick to one's guns
    не сдавать позиций, держаться стойко
    Gregory was man enough to stick to his guns.
  • breakthrough
    успех, достижение, прорыв
    This project experienced a major breakthrough after a long process of experimentation.
  • hammer out (an agreement or a deal)
    выработать что-либо в результате дебатов
    Unfortunately the union and the chief executives were not able to hammer out an agreement.
  • draw up (something)
    записать, составить что-либо (в письменном виде)
    He drew up the deeds and agreements for the real estate company.
  • under the wire
    в самый последний момент
    His pictures for the exhibition were due on Saturday and they were delivered at the end of the day, just under the wire.
  • close a deal
    успешно завершить переговоры
    Unfortunately they couldn't close the deal though they worked hard to achieve good results.
  • wind up
    заканчивать, прекращать
    Jim followed the path to the right and wound up where he started.
  • give a little
    пойти на компромисс во время переговоров
    If you want to complete the negotiations, you should give a little otherwise you may fall through.
  • get behind (a person or idea)
    поддерживать (человека или идею)
    We decided to get behind Jane to be class president.
  • hold out for (something)
    настаивать на получении чего-либо
    They are holding out for a salary increase.
  • fifty-fifty
    в равных долях, пятьдесят на пятьдесят
    My husband and I share household chores fifty-fifty.
  • lay one's cards on the table
    дать знать о своих намерениях, чувствах; "выложить карты на стол"
    I decided to lay my cards on the table and tell my boyfriend openly that I had fallen out of love with him.
  • in the bag
    заранее предрешённый вопрос, дело верное, "дело в шляпе"
    I hoped the new sales contract would be in the bag, and we wouldn't have to worry about it.
  • cover ground
    поговорить, (многое) обсудить,
    The committee was in session for two hours and was able to cover much ground.
  • throw (someone) a curve
    сбить кого-либо с толку, обмануть
    John threw me a curve about the hiring of new employees.
  • common ground
    общие интересы
    The negotiations did not go well because there was no common ground between the negotiators.