Идиомы на тему Negotiations

Настройки списка
  • wrap up
    сворачивать что-либо, заканчивать
    The construction workers wrapped up the job and went home.
  • iron (something) out
    решить проблему, "разрулить ситуацию"
    I wish I could iron out all of my problems at work and at home.
  • continue down to the wire
    продолжать, тянуть до последнего
    Though the negotiations continued down to the wire they didn't end successfully.
  • hold out on (someone)
    отказываться соглашаться с кем-либо
    The employees are holding out on the Board of Directors and won't sign their contracts.
  • setback
    неудача, регресс, задержка
    The family suffered a setback when the head of the family lost his job.
  • cave in to (someone or something)
    уступать кому-либо \ чему-либо, отступать, сдаваться
    My mother caved in to my request for more pocket money.
  • reach a stalemate
    зайти в тупик
    The negotiations reached a stalemate, and it will be difficult to start them again.
  • go for broke
    стараться изо всех сил, рисковать,
    They were going for broke to try and win grants for their projects.
  • water (something) down
    сглаживать, смягчать
    His story was watered down by making the details less vivid.
  • wheel and deal
    торговаться, договариваться
    Mr. Smith made a fortune by wheeling and dealing on the stock market.
  • go over well
    пройти успешно
    I am sure the conference will go over well; a lot of preparations have been made.
  • raw deal
    несправедливо суровое отношение
    Ron got a raw deal; he was treated unfairly, I am sure.
  • go down to the wire
    приближаться к крайнему сроку, заканчиваться
    The workers went down to the wire and were able to complete the construction of the bridge on time.
  • go back on (something)
    нарушать обещание, отказаться от своих слов
    If Garry gives his word, nothing will make him go back on it.
  • undercut (someone)
    сбивать цену; продавать по более низким ценам, чем конкурент
    The new grocery store intended to have undercut the other stores in the area, but it failed to do it.
  • follow through on/with (something)
    доводить что-либо до конца, выполнять обещание
    I wished to help my friend with his English, but I couldn't follow through with my promise.
  • reach first base
    сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Jameson was not able to reach first base with his partner.
  • rock-bottom offer
    самая низкая предлагаемая цена
    The rock-bottom offer to buy this radio is $25.
  • smooth (something) over
    представить что-либо в лучшем свете, уладить
    Hardly had I smoothed one problem over when another one appeared.
  • hold all the aces/cards/trumps
    иметь хороший шанс, преимущество; иметь на руках козырную карту
    I am holding all the aces, and I hope to do well in the negotiations.
  • stack the cards/deck for or against (someone or something)
    настроить кого-либо за или против
    Marion felt that they had stacked the cards against her, that she had never had a fair choice.