Проверьте, пожалуйста, правильность моего перевода

  • Your colleague told me you had just returned from the business trip to Switzerland (согласование времён)
    Did you learn to speak French?- если имеешь в виду "научилась говорить", то лучше сказать:" Have you learnt to speak French?)"
    Yes, when I was leaving for Switzerland, I didn't know any word in French. I had an interpreter)

  • Here is a note for you.
    This note is from Mr. Miller
    Look, Mike....
    you were out-лучше)
    At the moment he is receiving representatives from one ....
    Надеюсь, поможет)))

  • zonary, thank you very much!!!

  • помогите пожалуйста перевести предложения...я знаю слова,но у меня не получается конструировать предложения...буду очень благодарна)
    1.можно поговорить с товарищем петровым? боюсь,что нет.Он сейчас в отпуске
    May I talk with comrade Petrov? I am afraid, that is not present. Now he is have a holiday.
    2. Вы очень много работали сегодня. вам надо обязательно хорошо отдохнуть.
    You very much worked today. You should have a rest well.
    3.мы поедим за город в эту субботу,я надеюсь ,мы хорошо отдохнем там.
    We will go for a city this Saturday, I hope, we have a good time.
    4. я только что вернулся из дома отдыха,я там хорошо отдохнул.
    I just returned from home of rest, there I have a rest time.
    5. врач не советует мне отдыхать после обеда.
    The doctor does not advise me have a rest after a dinner.
    6. когда вы собираетесь в отпуск в этом году? в конце сентября я собираюсь поехать к морю. я никогда не отдыхал осенью.
    When you gather in holiday this year? I am going to go the sea in the end of September . I had never have a holiday in the autumn.

  • For the first time, Lena, I saw at an exhibition of paintings, where we met, when I was still 7 years. She was friendly to me and I readily agreed to take a tour of the gallery. As it turned out, it was an exhibition of her mother.
    Lena beautiful girl, she was 18 years old. It is slim and light skinned, with an oval face, her straight brown hair to his shoulders and stretched in front. Lena loves to wear designer clothes and make the best of a bright make-up.
    Her hobbies include horseback riding, and painting. As a child she competed in equestrian sport. She says that she follows in the footsteps of mother and be an artist, for that she attends at the drawing.
    Now we are with Lena very good friends and often spend time together. I am glad that I have a friend with whom I walk, gossip and shopping.

    можете проверить,пожалуйста,и написать как правильно

  • Проверьте, пожалуйста, правильность перевода. Мне нужен правильный английский, разговорный. Правильно ли построенны предложения?

    hi, my beloved.
    I wanted to be original, but as you know, at the moment, my knowledge of English leaves much to be desired.
    But I don't give up!!!
    I love you very much. And always remember the moments spent together. I hear your voice far away and your image is always with me.
    I miss you very much and wait for a speedy our meeting.

  • I miss you very much and cannot wait to meet you soon again.