with and without

  • I passed predtest IELTS exam. And I wrote : - A person prefers not to share HIS /HER thoughts with others.
    But it was a mistake. I got 6 score. They do not like HIS /HER

    ---Was it? Who told you that? And if it was something they did not want you to use, they should have given you a correction which, I am sure, they did not.
    What is then ultimate correct version?

  • Ну, если так обстоит дело, тогда я бы посоветовал поступать так.
    Пишем A person prefers not to share his thouights with others. The same holds good for a woman.
    То есть разбить одно предложение на два.

  • Да они не дают правильной версии. Только подчеркивают не правильное.
    Я в таких предложениях использую they
    People prefer not to share their thoughts with others.
    A person prefers not to share own thoughts with others.