Идиомы на тему Color

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  • as white as a ghost
    бледный как смерть (как призрак)
    Pam looked as white as a ghost after her illness.
  • as white as a sheet
    бледный как полотно
    When they told Pauline about the accident, she became as white as a sheet.
  • as white as the driven snow
    белый как снег
    The sheets on the bed were as white as the driven snow.
  • black and white
    видеть что-либо только в чёрно-белым свете
    My friend Melanie sees everything only in black and white.
  • put (something) down in black and white
    записать что-либо чёрным по белому
    They told me to put the agreement down in black and white.
  • white lie
    ложь во спасенье, безобидная ложь
    I didn't want to go out with Arthur, so I told him a white lie about being very busy.
  • white sale
    распродажа постельного белья
    Ms. Mottly often buys things at a white sale to save money.