give (someone) the eye
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Пример использования идиомы give (someone) the eye:
I gave the young man the eye because I didn't like the way he was being downright rude to his mother.
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Другие идиомы:
- in the twinkling of an eye
- turn a blind eye to (someone or something)
- give (someone) a fair shake
- four eyes
- cry one's eyes out
- give it to (someone)
- give (someone) a hard time
- cast an eye over (something)
- give (someone) the bum's rush
- look at (someone) cross-eyed
- give a wide birth to (someone or something)
- feast one's eyes on (someone or something)
- more to (someone or something) than meets the eye
- pull the wool over (someone's) eyes
- see eye to eye (with someone)