Mary came back from lunch to find that all the girls in the office had removed their clothes and were lying on the floor naked. She lost no time in taking off her dress and joining them, but as soon as she laid down the girl on her right hissed, "Turn over, Mary - this is a stock up, not an office party!"
Mary came back from lunch to find that all the girls...
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Другие анекдоты по теме:
- A responsible applicant
- Several weeks after a young man had been hired...
- How Shit Happens
- So my sister, a natural blond...
- A Manager of a retail clothing store is reviewing...
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard II
- New Lumberjack
- Smart decision
- It had taken him several months, but the executive vice president...
- Not that my wife is the jealous type or anything, but one day at work...
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