One day in class the teacher has sex education.On the black board she draws a penis then asks the class if any of them knows what it is.In the back of the room,Dirty Johnny stands and says "That's a penis,and my father has two of them". The teacher looks surprised and asks "What do you mean,two?"Dirty Johnny responds,"A little one to pee,and a big one to brush the baby sitters teeth."
One day in class the teacher...
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Другие анекдоты по теме:
- Little Johnny is coming home from the store...
- A teacher was having trouble teaching arithmetic...
- A little boy was excited about his first day at school...
- My dog ate my homework
- A young teenager comes home from school...
- The hamster and the pollar bear
- The real treasure
- Once when Mary was young her school...
- Anybody Home?
- Get married
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