While attending a spelling session in school one day, The teacher asked if anyone could spell the word DUMB? Darla raises her hand and says "I can, I can" The teacher replies, "OK, go ahead Darla..." Darla replies..."D-U-M-B" The teacher replies, "very good", and "can you use that word in a sentence?" Darla replies, "Sure, Buckwheat is very DUMB." The teacher replies, "OK, well can anyone spell the word STUPID?" Again, Darla raises her hand, and the teacher replies, "OK, go ahead Darla." Darla replies, "S-T-U-P-I-D" The teacher replies "very good", and "can you use that word in a sentence?" Darla replies, "Sure, Buckwheat is very STUPID." The teacher replies, "OK, well lets continue, can anyone spell the word DICTATE?" No one raises their hand, so the teacher asks Buckwheat if he can spell the word DICTATE? Buckwheat replies, "Sure, D-I-C-T-A-T-E" The teacher replies, "very good Buckwheat," and "can you use that word in a sentence?" Buckwheat replies, "Sure I can." "I may be DUMB and I may be STUPID, but Darla says my DICTATE good."
While attending a spelling session in school one day...
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