A fool's tongue runs before his wit
Дурак сперва говорит, а потом думает.
У дурака язык наперед ума рыщет. У дурака язык впереди ног бежит.
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Другие пословицы:
- An idle brain is the devil's workshop
- He that has no head needs no hat
- Children and fools must not play with edged tools
- Fools never know when they are well
- Learn wisdom by the follies of others
- Fool's haste is no speed
- The face is the index of the mind
- Learn to creep before you leap
- So many men, so many minds
- A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool
- Live and learn
- A fool always rushes to the fore
- A word is enough to the wise
- To come away none the wiser
- He is a fool that forgets himself