Идиомы на тему Initials

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  • AA
    Alcoholic's Anonymous - анонимные алкоголики (группа помощи людям, страдающим от алкогольной зависимости)
    Felix Young attended AA meetings last year.
  • AD
    Anno Domini - начало нашей эры
    The archeologists discovered a town which was founded in 140 AD.
  • AGM
    Annual General Meeting - ежегодное общее собрание организации
    My boss attended the AGM of the shareholders last Tuesday.
  • AI
    Artificial Intelligence - искусственный интеллект
    The Japanese have been researching AI for many years now.
  • AIDS
    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - синдром приобретённого иммунодефицита (СПИД)
    AIDS patients are not contagious.
  • AM
    Amplitude Modulation - амплитудная модуляция (тип частоты на радио)
    I don't like to listen to AM radio; their programs are not interesting.
  • AOB
    Any Other Business - прочие вопросы (пишется в конце информационного листка)
    The secretary was supposed to write AOB at the bottom of the meeting information sheet.
  • AOK
    великолепно, здорово
    It was AOK that Johnny was recovering.
  • APB
    All Point's Bulletin - бюллетень, содержащий сведения о преступниках (используется полицией для розыска)
    Some criminals had robbed the local bank and the police put out an APB on them.
  • ASAP
    As Soon As Possible - как можно скорее
    My boss left a note on my computer, "Please complete the rough copy of the letter and give it to me ASAP."
  • AWOL
    Absent Without Leave - самоволка (отсутствие без увольнительной)
    One of the soldiers had gone AWOL and the military police were looking for him.
  • B&B
    Bed and Breakfast - гостиница типа "постель и завтрак"
    We didn't have much money, so we decided to stay at B&B.
  • B&E
    Break and Enter - кража со взломом
    The police qualified the man's crime as B&E.
  • BA
    Bachelor of Arts - бакалавр гуманитарных наук (выпускник университета со степенью бакалавра)
    Eva Brown has recently become a BA.
  • BLT
    Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato - вид бутерброда (состоящий из ветчины, салата и помидор)
    When I go to a cafe, I usually order a BLT sandwich.
  • BO
    Body Odor - запах пота
    BO is the smell of sweat from the human body.
  • BS
    Bullshit - враки, "бред собачий"
    We heard a lot of BS from our apartment manager.
  • BSc
    Bachelor of Science - бакалавр естественных наук
    Felix received a BSc in Physics from his university and found a good job.
  • BYOB
    Bring Your Own Bottle - каждый приносит свою выпивку (на вечеринку)
    Before my friend had a dinner party at his house she told everyone that it was BYOB.
  • C/O
    Care Of - до востребования
    Moira moved to another town; I don't know her address so I sent a letter to her CO her parents.
  • CA
    Chartered Accountant - дипломированный бухгалтер-эксперт
    They decided to employ a CA in order to get their taxes done on time.
  • CD
    Compact Disc - компакт-диск
    I have recently bought a few CDs.
  • CEO
    Chief Executive Officer - главный управляющий, главный исполнительный директор
    Sam Willows is the CEO of a large telephone company.
  • CIA
    Central Intelligence Agency - Центральное разведывательное управление
    The CIA, the USA Central Intelligence Agency, is a spy and security organization.
  • COD
    Cash On Delivery - оплата наличными при доставке
    I have ordered a few textbooks and the salesperson says they will send them to me COD.
  • CPA
    Certified Public Accountant - дипломированный бухгалтер
    Jenny Brown in the accounting department is studying for her CPA exams now.
  • DIY
    Do-It-Yourself - магазин типа "Делай сам"
    We are planning to repair our country house this summer, so my father went to a DIY store to buy the necessary materials.
  • DJ
    Disc Jockey - диск жокей
    I have made up my mind to work as a DJ for a few months.
  • DNA
    Deoxyribonucleic Acid - дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота, ДНК
    DNA varies from one individual to another.
  • DUI
    Driving Under the Influence - управление автомобилем под воздействием (алкоголя или наркотиков)
    The young man was found guilty of DUI and sent to jail for several months.
  • DVD
    Digital Video Disc - цифровой видео диск, ДВД
    DVDs are more popular than CDs.
  • E.g.
    Exempli Gratia - например
    E.g. is an abbreviation and it means 'for example'.
  • ECG
    Electrocardiogram - электрокардиограмма (ЭКГ)
    The doctor advised me to take an ECG test as soon as possible.
  • ER
    Emergency Room - реанимация
    ER is the place in a hospital where doctors deal with emergency cases.
  • ESL
    English as a Second Language - английский как иностранный (как второй язык)
    ESL is taught almost in every country of the world because English is rightly considered to be an international language.