Идиомы на букву P

  • play ball (with someone)
    сотрудничать с кем-либо
    It is often good business to play ball with the government.
  • play by ear
    играть на слух (по слуху)
    The young woman is blind, and plays the harp by ear.
  • play by the rules
    играть по правилам
    One of the managers refused to play by the rules, that's why he was given the sack.
  • play cat and mouse with (someone)
    дразнить, дурачить; "играть в кошки-мышки"
    "Please, stop playing cat and mouse with me; I want to know your intentions immediately."
  • play chicken
    играть в опасные игры (посмотреть, кто первым испугается)
    A few boys were playing chicken on the playground.
  • play devil's advocate
    не принимать на веру и во всем сомневаться; быть защитником неправедного дела
    Mary offered to play devil's advocate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it.
  • play fair
    играть честно, не обманывать
    The students liked their teacher because he always played fair.
  • play footsie (with someone)
    флиртовать с кем-либо (прикасаться к ногам под столом)
    Nick was trying to play footsie with me during our dinner in the restaurant.
  • play hardball (with someone)
    действовать решительно, круто с кем-либо
    I had to play hardball with my boss to make him agree to my proposal.
  • play hooky
    прогуливать занятия в школе
    Simon often played hooky and never had a valid reason for his absence.
  • play into (someone's) hands
    играть на руку кому-либо
    Fate played into Tim's hands and he got what he was craving for.
  • play it by ear
    принять решение в зависимости от ситуации
    Mark didn't have a definite plan of action; he decided to play it by ear.
  • play one's ace
    использовать лучшие ресурсы (козыри)
    We were going to play our ace when we decided to supply our company with new equipment.
  • play one's cards close to one's chest
    вести переговоры в осторожной и конфиденциальной манере
    Sue played her cards close to her chest when she went to the bank to settle her problem.
  • play one's cards right
    воспользоваться своей возможностью наилучшим образом
    I hope to play my cards right and get a promotion soon.
  • play possum
    притвориться больным или мёртвым; прикинуться не понимающим
    "Don't you try to play possum; you know what I am talking about."
  • play the market
    спекулировать, играть на бирже
    Denis has inherited a lot of money and he intends to play the market.