Идиомы на тему Food

  • as flat as a pancake
    очень плоский (как блин)
    The early people believed that the Earth was as flat as a pancake.
  • as nutty as a fruitcake
    сумасшедший, выживший из ума
    Dora is nutty as a fruitcake; she is irrational and crazy.
  • eat one's cake and have it too
    преследовать две взаимно исключающие цели, пытаться совместить несовместимое
    "If you try to eat your cake and have it too, you will never gain anything in life."
  • have one's cake and eat it too
    (желание) иметь всё сразу
    "You can't have your cake and eat it; it's impossible."
  • icing on the cake
    что-либо, улучшающее ситуацию
    We were able to buy a spacious house and the fact was the icing on the cake.
  • piece of cake
    лёгкий (ая)
    That English book was a piece of cake. It was the easiest book that I had ever read.
  • slice of the cake/pie
    доля чего-либо
    Kelly demanded that she be given a slice of the cake in their family business.
  • take the cake
    превзойти самого себя (в лучшую или худшую сторону)
    Edna was extremely cordial. Her friendliness took the cake.