Идиомы на тему Food

  • back to the salt mines
    вернуться к чему-либо с большой неохотой; например к работе, которую не хочется делать
    The work was tedious; they finished their coffee and went back to the salt mines.
  • rub salt in (someone's) wound
    растравлять чью-либо рану, сыпать соль на рану
    Hugo's wife rubbed salt in his wound for having broken their car.
  • salt (something) away
    припрятывать, "складывать в кубышку"
    I have been salting away some money, so that I can go on a holiday to Spain.
  • salt of the earth
    соль земли (основательные, добрые люди)
    The majority of the people in our company is the salt of the earth; they are hard-working and friendly.
  • take (something) with a grain of salt
    относиться к чему-либо недоверчиво, скептически
    My friend is an imaginative person, and I always take everything he says with a grain of salt.
  • worth one's salt
    стоить затраченных денег или уважения
    When the baseball team lost two games in succession, people felt that the coach was hardly worth his salt.