Идиомы на букву I

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  • in one's right mind
    в своём \ здравом уме
    "You are not in your right mind to leave this country for good."
  • in someone's corner
    на чьей-либо стороне, оказывающий поддержку кому-либо
    I realized that my friend was in my corner and I felt very grateful to him.
  • in hand
    (иметь) при себе
    I wanted to buy a pair of skis, but I didn't have enough cash in hand.
  • in the way of (something)
    в виде, в качестве чего-либо
    Kim was given a certain sum of money in the way of compensating for extra work hours.
  • in the right
    (быть) правым
    In family quarrels, it is hard to say who is in the right.
  • in good hands
    (быть) в надёжном месте или в хороших руках
    All of the office computers were in good hands of computer programmers.
  • in the first place
    во-первых, первым делом, сперва
    "In the first place I have to clean the basement; in the second place I have to take away the garbage."
  • in the lap of luxury
    в роскоши
    Samantha was born in the lap of luxury.
  • in the driver's seat
    контролировать, держать под контролем
    Jim was in the driver's seat concerning his family's plans for their holiday.
  • in one's prime
    в расцвете сил \ лет
    My mother was in her prime when she married my father.
  • ill will
    недоброжелательность, неприязнь
    John and George are rivals, and there is much ill will between them.
  • in the bag
    заранее предрешённый вопрос, дело верное, "дело в шляпе"
    I hoped the new sales contract would be in the bag, and we wouldn't have to worry about it.
  • inside out
    вывернутый, "шиворот навыворот"
    Nora mislaid her cell phone and had to turn her handbag inside out in order to find it.
  • in a bind
    безвыходное положение, тупик
    Alec thought he might be in a bind if he didn't find a job soon.
  • in a sense
    в некотором смысле \ роде
    "In a sense I can admit that you are a better tennis player than I am."
  • in a bad mood
    в плохом настроении
    That morning Sara woke up in a bad mood.
  • in one's birthday suit
    нагишом, голый
    The men appeared on the beach in their birthday suits.
  • in the wind
    происходящий или могущий произойти, "носится в воздухе"
    Sam was the first to report that something connected with the North Side Company was in the wind.
  • in fine feather
    в хорошем расположении духа
    My cousin is in fine feather today as if he had won a million dollars in a state lottery.
  • in stock
    имеющийся в наличности, готовый к продаже
    I asked if the bookstore had any books on natural history in stock.
  • in great demand
    пользоваться большим спросом
    Skilled workers are always in great demand.
  • idiot box
    My brother sits glued to the idiot box all day long.
  • in the cards
    вероятный, возможный
    Although their project was in the cards they were not sure that they would begin working at it soon.
  • in the money
    состоятельный, при деньгах
    Gerald found a good job, and he is in the money now.
  • if so
    раз так, в таком случае
    He won't die unless we abandon him; and if so, we will be answerable for his death.
  • iron (something) out
    решить проблему, "разрулить ситуацию"
    I wish I could iron out all of my problems at work and at home.
  • in one's Sunday best
    (быть) одетым в праздничную одежду
    My Aunt Polly is usually dressed in her Sunday best when she goes to church.
  • in clover
    богатый или успешный, ведущий приятную жизнь
    Having won a million dollars in a state lottery, Monica and her husband were in clover.
  • in a jiffy
    очень быстро, моментально
    "It won't take long to fix your radio. I'll have it ready for you in a jiffy."
  • in the doldrums
    хандрить, быть в плохом настроении
    In general my friend is a cheerful person, but he has been in the doldrums since he lost his job.
  • in good time
    вовремя, в нужный момент; заранее, заблаговременно
    "You will know what's this all about in good time."
  • in the near future
    в ближайшем будущем
    You can never know what is going to happen to you in the near future.
  • in one's second childhood
    впасть в детство
    My Grandfather seems to be in his second childhood and he sometimes behaves as if he were a child.
  • in spades
    (получить) больше того, что хотелось бы
    The mother of the sick boy was hoping to receive some money, but when the radio talked about his illness she received it in spades.
  • in trouble with the law
    не в ладу с законом
    When Simon was a teenager, he was often in trouble with the law.