Идиомы на букву I

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  • in a quandary
    в сомнении, находящийся в нерешительности
    Jacob was in a quandary whether to trust the man or not.
  • in the worst way
    очень, крайне, чрезвычайно
    Cora would like to see the new performance in the worst way.
  • in hindsight
    задним числом
    In hindsight, he was determined to tell the truth.
  • in the absence of (someone or something)
    в отсутствии кого-либо \ чего-либо
    In the absence of any concrete evidence the police had to set the man free.
  • in cahoots with (someone)
    в сговоре с кем-либо
    The owner of the land was in cahoots with Olaf Svenson in order to keep their deal hush-hush.
  • in bulk
    в большом количестве
    The cafe usually buys food and drinks in bulk.
  • in concert (with someone)
    с помощью кого-либо, во взаимодействии с кем-либо
    They decided to make the presentation in concert with the students of another grade.
  • in ink
    (писать) чернилами
    Documents can't be written in pencil; they must always be written in ink.
  • in mint condition
    в прекрасном состоянии
    The old banknotes that my Grandmother gave her grandson were in mint condition.
  • in one's shell
    уйти в себя, отгородиться от всех
    Sandra has changed greatly; she is in her shell most of the time now.
  • in check
    под контролем
    The fire was kept in check by the firefighters.
  • in one's cups
    в состоянии опьянения
    Jack must have been in his cups when he crashed into a wall.
  • in/have custody of (someone or something)
    (быть) под охраной, заключение под стражу
    Alan was mentally sick that's why he was placed in custody of the mental hospital.
  • IQ
    Intelligence Quotient - коэффициент умственного развития
    The IQ of the new student is very low.
  • in vain
    I tried in vain to persuade my friend to join our health club.
  • in the swim
    (быть) хорошо информированным, "быть на плаву"
    Robert is definitely in the swim. He knows everything about everybody.
  • in return for (someone or something)
    в обмен на кого-либо \ что-либо, в оплату, в благодарность
    In return for my helping Rena to wash up she helped me to clear the table.
  • in turn
    по очереди
    The children were washing the dishes and doing their room in turn.
  • in the clear
    без ограничения (движения, видимости)
    We spent an hour in the traffic jam downtown, but at last we were in the clear.
  • inch by inch
    понемногу, мало-помалу
    Inch by inch the wounded animal crawled away.
  • in deep
    запутавшийся, растерянный
    Wanda was in deep because she hadn't saved enough money to pay for the house and the furniture.
  • in touch
    в контакте
    Martha and Margaret have been in touch since they studied in high school.
  • in the best of health
    (быть) очень здоровым
    My Granny is about seventy and she is in the best of health.
  • in flight
    в полёте, во время полёта
    The stewardess served foods and drinks while we were in flight.
  • in good shape/condition
    в хорошем состоянии
    Though my computer was still in good shape I decided to buy a new one.
  • instead of
    вместо того, чтобы
    "Let's go out and play in the open instead of staying inside the house."
  • inch along
    медленно продвигаться
    To get to the other side of the road I had to inch along as the crowd was very thick.
  • in defiance of (someone or something)
    открытое неповиновение кому-либо \ чему-либо
    The man was in defiance of the court order as he didn't want to pay the fine.
  • in flux
    в постоянном изменении, меняющийся
    The situation has been in flux for some time now.
  • in good spirits
    в хорошем настроении
    I have been in good spirits since morning.
  • in favor of (someone or something)
    поддерживать, высказываться в пользу чего-либо или относиться одобрительно
    They were in favor of my project.
  • in the short run
    ближайшее будущее
    In the short run I am not going to look for a job.
  • in character
    соответствующий положению или характеру, типичный
    Gregory's words are entirely in character with his actions.
  • it/something goes to show
    показывать, демонстрировать правоту чего-либо
    His failure goes to show that one has to work very hard to be successful.
  • in a snit
    в припадке гнева или раздражения
    My teacher was in a snit because I had missed a lot of classes.