Идиомы на тему Relationships

Настройки списка
  • bosom friend
    закадычный друг
    We were bosom friends with Jamil in 1990.
    Мы с Джамилем были закадычными друзьями в 1990 году.
  • old flame
    бывшая подруга (друг)
    I had quite a shock last night. I ran into an old flame of mine.
    Прошлой ночью у меня был настоящий шок. Я столкнулся со своей бывшей подругой.
  • go out with someone
    встречаться с кем-либо, ходить на свидания
    Wanda had been going out with Billy for a year before they got married.
  • have a crush (on someone)
    сильно увлечься кем-либо
    Brian had a crush on Maria.
  • have a thing for (someone)
    увлечься кем-либо
    I don't believe Clare to have a thing for Jeremy; he is so spoony.
  • get along with someone
    ладить с кем-либо, быть в хороших отношениях
    Pat is not easy to get along with.
  • tie the knot
    соединиться узами брака
    Brian and Lucy had been dating for a year before they decided to tie the knot.
  • match made in heaven
    человек, подходящий под пару; брак, заключённый на небесах
    It seemed theirs was a match made in heaven, but unfortunately they didn't stay together forever.
  • find Mr. Right
    подходящая партия, будущий муж
    "There is still hope that you will find your Mr. Right," Alice said to her daughter.
  • go steady
    постоянно встречаться с одним и тем же человеком
    Kelly has been going steady with her boyfriend for about six months, and she hopes they will eventually get married.
  • blind date
    чьё-либо первое свидание, устроенное друзьями
    A blind date can be a huge success, or a big disappointment.
  • dig someone
    нравиться кому-либо
    I don't dig Mark; he is boastful and silly.
  • fall in love (with someone)
    влюбиться в кого-либо
    He had never seen the young lady, only her portrait, but he fell in love with that and marry her he would.
  • puppy love
    страстная влюблённость, слепое увлечение (среди подростков)
    When Martin and Pam began going around together in high school, their parents said it was just puppy love.
  • dump someone
    перестать встречаться с кем-либо, бросить кого-либо
    Frank stopped seeing Judy, and she understood that he had dumped her.
  • hit it off (with someone)
    ладить с кем-либо
    I am happy that we hit it off with my mother-in-law.
  • ask for someone's hand in marriage
    просить чей-либо руки, делать предложение
    Harold was not yet sure whether to ask for Marion's hand in marriage or not.
  • walk out on
    бросать, уходить от кого-либо
    The man walked out on his wife and children.
  • date someone
    встречаться с кем-либо, ходить на свидания
    Jenny discovered that her boy friend was dating some other females, and she was shocked.
  • make up
    мириться (после ссоры)
    My friend and I often quarrel, but we usually make up pretty soon.
  • drive somebody nuts
    выводить из себя
    He drives me nuts.
    Он меня бесит.
  • get hitched
    пожениться, выйти замуж
    John and Mary surprised us all; they got hitched yesterday.
  • get engaged
    быть помолвленным
    I heard rumors that Ben had got engaged; his fiancee was a widow with a handsome income.
  • break up (with someone)
    порвать с кем-либо, прекратить отношения
    Gilda decided to break up with her family and started to live on her own.
  • double date
    одновременное свидание двух пар
    Bob and Mary went with Susan and William on a double date.
  • fall for (someone)
    почувствовать влечение к кому-либо, влюбиться
    Jeremy is very handsome; women fall for him like a row of ninepins.
  • pop the question
    сделать предложение о браке
    John popped the question to Betty, but she refused him.
  • attracted to (someone)
    почувствовать влечение к кому-либо
    As soon as Robert saw Linda, he got immediately attracted to her.
  • crazy about (someone)
    быть без ума от кого-либо/ чего-либо
    Cora's boyfriend said he was crazy about her.
  • get back together
    возобновить отношения после разлада
    Diane hoped that some day Mark and she would get back together.
  • get serious
    становиться серьёзными и длительными (о взаимоотношениях)
    Peter and Samantha had been dating for a few months before they began to get serious.
  • on the rocks
    проблемные отношения, разваливающийся брак
    Mr. Noodle's business and his marriage were both on the rocks.
  • kiss and makeup
    мириться, (досл. поцеловаться и помириться)
    Mary and her husband often argue, but then they kiss and make up.
  • no skin off (someone's) teeth/nose
    не затрагивать (чьих-либо интересов), совсем не беспокоить
    It will be no skin off my nose if Sheila does not go on an excursion with us.
  • to show good faith
    продемонстрировать, проявить добрую волю
    My neighbor showed good faith when she promised to help me in the garden.