Идиомы на тему Sports

Настройки списка
  • roll with the punches
    приспособиться к трудным обстоятельствам
    Some of the travelers were not able to roll with the punches and had to lay over their trip to the mountains.
  • run interference
    вступаться за кого-либо; вмешиваться, с целью защитить кого-либо
    My boss never runs interference on his employees to protect them.
  • safe bet
    уверенность, несомненный факт (досл. ставка на лошадь, которая непременно выиграет)
    Thompson's project change proposal is a safe bet and I am sure we should accept it.
  • saved by the bell
    быть вовремя спасённым
    I was saved by the bell and do not have to answer the teacher's questions.
  • score points with someone
    завоевать чьё-либо расположение
    Paul Watergate always tries to score points with the brass hats of the company.
  • send someone to the showers
    отстранить кого-либо от игры; убрать с поля или корта
    Our coach sent one of the players to the showers because the man had been injured during the game.
  • set the pace
    задавать темп
    The leading skier set the pace for the other skiers to follow.
  • smooth sailing
    лёгкое продвижение вперёд, "всё идёт как по маслу"
    To fix up a party is smooth sailing; we don't expect any obstacles or problems.
  • sport of kings
    скачки (спорт королей)
    Horse racing or the sport of kings is very popular in the U.K.
  • sporting chance
    достаточно хороший шанс
    I doubt that Glide has a sporting chance of finding a good job.
  • steal a base
    делать что-либо тайком, красться
    Jimmy Carter is one of the best baseball players; he can easily steal a base during the game.
  • sticky wicket
    затруднительный ситуация (досл. липкие воротца в крикете из-за дождя)
    The snow had made a sticky wicket out of the roads and there were a lot of accidents that day.
  • strike out
    не удаваться, потерпеть неудачу
    I struck out in my attempt at fund rising.
  • tackle a problem
    биться над проблемой
    All the members of the staff had to tackle the problem of advertising.
  • take one's eye off the ball
    отвести глаза от чего-либо, упустить
    The mother took her eye off the ball for only a second, and the child fell into a puddle.
  • take the checkered flag
    закончить гонку первым
    The French racer took the checkered flag for the first time and was very proud.
  • take the wind out of one's sails
    отбить охоту, расстроить чьи-либо планы, "выбить почву из-под ног"
    Ron applied for a job of a computer programmer but was rejected, and it took the wind out of his sails.
  • team player
    человек, умеющий работать в команде с другими людьми
    Ogden Nash turned out to be a good team player; he works well with all of the other members of the staff.
  • test the water
    подвергать что-либо испытанию
    The furniture company tested the water before they began to produce a new design of furniture.
  • That's the way the ball bounces.
    Такова жизнь.
    Tim complained to his friend that he had lost his job and the latter replied, "That's the way the ball bounces."
  • throw in the towel/sponge
    прекратить борьбу, сдаться, выбросить белый флаг
    When Martin saw his arguments were not being accepted, he threw in the towel and left.
  • throw one's hat into the ring
    принять вызов, решить принять участие в соревнованиях или выборах
    Pauline decided to throw her hat into the ring for the election of Dean of the Arts Faculty.
  • throw/pitch someone a curve
    сбить кого-либо с толку
    John threw me a curve about the hiring of new employees.
  • toe the line
    подчиняться, слушаться
    The new teacher is strict and she will make the students toe the line.
  • too close to call
    невозможно предсказать исход (соревнования, выборов, и т.д.)
    The election was too close to call until the very last hour.
  • touch base with someone
    встретиться с кем-либо и поговорить накоротке
    They were ready to make a decision, but first they decided to touch base with the financial manager.
  • two strikes against someone
    две упущенный возможности, так что остаётся только один шанс
    Poor Lorna has two strikes against her when it comes to her love for Frank: first she is too fat and second she is too silly.
  • up to par
    в нормальном состоянии
    I have a splitting headache and I don't feel up to par.
  • whole new ball game
    совершенно новые обстоятельства
    The investigation became a whole new ball game when some new circumstances had arisen.
  • win by a neck
    немного опередить (досл. опередить на голову)
    The ski race was very close, but at the end a young skier pulled ahead and won by a neck.