Идиомы на тему Color

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  • as red as a rose
    красный как роза (интенсивный красный)
    The man's nose was as red as a rose from intensive drinking.
  • black box
    чёрный ящик
    After the airplane crash the investigators tried to find the black box of the airplane.
  • as black as pitch
    тёмный как ночь
    Approaching the house, we saw that it was as black as night.
  • off-color
    нездоровый вид, непристойная шутка, не совсем тот цвет
    Tom finds delight in telling off-color jokes.
  • as black as a sweep
    очень грязный (как трубочист)
    "Look! You are as black as a sweep! What have you done to your face and hands?"
  • put (something) down in black and white
    записать что-либо чёрным по белому
    They told me to put the agreement down in black and white.
  • talk a blue streak
    говорить без умолку
    The women who sat behind me talked a blue streak, and I couldn't hear the film very well.
  • green
    неопытный незрелый человек, "салага"
    "I want you to instruct this new worker; he is green and he doesn't know his job yet."
  • pitch-black
    очень темно, "хоть глаз выколи"
    All the shutters were closed, and it was pitch-black in the room.
  • as black as a stack of black cats
    очень чёрный (как множество чёрных кошек)
    Tina's dress was as black as a stack of black cats.
  • dyed-in-the-wool
    стопроцентный, закоренелый
    My cousin Helen is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, and I don't think she will ever change.
  • roll out the red carpet
    встречать важного гостя
    They rolled out the red carpet when the US President came for a visit.
  • as white as a ghost
    бледный как смерть (как призрак)
    Pam looked as white as a ghost after her illness.
  • sail under false colors
    скрыть своё настоящее имя, "плыть под чужим флагом"
    Hudson had the wisdom to sail under false colors in that foolish jaunt of his.
  • ears are red
    смутиться (уши покраснели от смущения)
    I saw that Gina was embarrassed because her ears were red.
  • pot calling the kettle black
    кто бы говорил, а ты бы помалкивал (оба хороши)
    "You were as good a son as I was a brother. It's like the pot calling the kettle black."
  • as red as a poppy
    ярко-красный (как мак)
    I fell down the stairs, and the mark on my knee was as red as a poppy.
  • in the pink (of condition)
    в расцвете сил, в превосходном состоянии
    Fred was in the pink and was doing quite well.
  • red in the face
    смутиться, покраснеть
    Zeta was red in the face after I had disclosed all her lies.
  • gray matter
    мозг, серое вещество
    The detective used his gray matter and effectively solved the murder of an old woman.
  • red-hot
    имеющий большой спрос
    Thanks to the advertising the new book has become red-hot and many people want to buy it.
  • out of the red
    вылезти из долгов
    I am happy that my small company is out of the red at last.
  • grass is always greener on the other side
    нам кажется, что то чего у нас нет, лучше того, что у нас есть
    "Don't quit your present job; don't think that grass is always greener on the other side."
  • black-tie event/affair
    официальное (формальное) мероприятие
    The Nobel Prize award ceremony was a black-tie affair.
  • as red as blood
    красный как кровь
    I spilled red ink on the table and the stain was as red as blood.
  • pink slip
    уведомление об увольнении
    Jimmy has just received a pink slip, and it has greatly upset him.
  • with flying colors
    с огромным успехом
    Victor was able to finish the race with flying colors.
  • raise/wave a white flag
    сдаться, выкинуть белый флаг
    During the discussion I understood that I would have to raise a white flag and give up arguing.
  • carte blanche
    карт-бланш (свобода или разрешение делать что-либо)
    Steve wanted to be given carte blanche to change the policies in his department.
  • see the color of (someone's) money
    убедиться в наличии денег у кого-либо
    "Let me see the color of your money first," the salesperson told the boy.
  • as red as a ruby
    красный (рубиновый оттенок)
    Marion likes deep red and her lips are usually as red as a ruby.
  • as white as the driven snow
    белый как снег
    The sheets on the bed were as white as the driven snow.
  • blackball (someone)
    подвергать остракизму, отвергать кого-либо
    The children blackballed one of the boys because he told on them.
  • get/have the green light
    получить добро, получить зелёный свет
    They got the green light to begin working at their project.
  • like waving a red flag in front of a bull
    злить или раздражать кого-либо
    Talking about our neighbor with my mother is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.