Идиомы на букву E

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  • eagle eye
    пристально следящий взгляд, зоркий глаз (как у орла)
    Alan kept an eagle eye upon all Carry's activities.
  • evil eye
    недобрый глаз, способный причинить вред
    Zahra is believed to have an evil eye, and people try to avoid her.
  • eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
    око за око, зуб за зуб
    Never call for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when somebody hurts you; it won't make your pain less.
  • eye of the storm
    в центре внимания (окружающих); в центре событий
    If something goes wrong, Bert is going to be in the eye of the storm.
  • eyeball-to-eyeball
    лицом к лицу
    They were jammed in the crowd and had to stand eyeball-to-eyeball.
  • eyes pop out
    очень удивиться, "глаза вылезли из орбит"
    Kelly's eyes popped out when she heard Jeremy's name mentioned in a TV news program.