Идиомы на тему Food

  • coffee break
    небольшой перерыв на чашку кофе
    There is a coffee break every morning at 11 o'clock in our office.
  • Come and get it!
    Обед готов. Садитесь есть.
    I quickly laid the table for dinner. "Come and get it," my mother called out from the dining-room.
  • compare apples and oranges
    сравнивать несравнимое
    "Don't compare our old house to the new one; it's like comparing apples and oranges."
  • cook (something) to perfection
    прекрасно приготовить что-либо
    I like going to that restaurant; the food is always cooked to perfection there.
  • cook (something) up
    замышлять что-либо, придумать, планировать
    Marion was sure her brother was cooking something up concerning her future.
  • couch potato
    кто-либо проводящий всё время на диване и смотрящий телевизор
    Judging from statistics, we might conclude that many people seem to enjoy being couch potatoes.
  • cream of the crop
    самые лучшие, сливки общества
    "Stop looking for the cream of the crop; it's not always possible to get the best."
  • cream puff
    неприспособленный к жизни человек
    Jeremy is a regular cream puff and he is easily influenced by other people.
  • cry over spilt milk
    жаловаться на то, что уже произошло "плакать над пролитым молоком"
    What's done cannot be undone, so it's no use crying over spilt milk.
  • cut the mustard
    подходить во всех отношениях, соответствовать своему назначению
    William found the proposition that exactly cut the mustard.
  • dine out
    обедать в ресторане
    I didn't cook dinner because we are dining out tonight.
  • down the hatch
    (пей) до дна (говорится пьющему)
    The toast-master said 'down the hatch' when our glasses were filled.
  • drop (someone/something) like a hot potato
    прекратить общаться с кем-либо, бросить кого-либо \ что-либо
    I was very upset because Mary and Jane dropped me like a hot potato.
  • eat (someone) for breakfast
    легко нанести поражение
    William is very vulnerable and can easily be eaten for breakfast.
  • eat (someone) out of house and home
    объедать кого-либо, быть нахлебником
    Sally preferred to live on her own; she didn't want to eat her parents out of house and home.
  • eat (something) up
    поглощать что-либо, впитывать знания
    In general children eat up knowledge easily if they enjoy what they learn.
  • eat and run
    быстро (поспешно) поесть, перекусить
    "You have to eat and run if you want to be in time for the show."
  • eat dirt
    быть в унизительной роли, сносить оскорбления
    The man had to eat dirt because of the errors he made in his job.
  • eat humble pie
    униженно извиняться, "придти с повинной головой"
    "You insulted Steve, and I can't see any other way out but eat humble pie."
  • eat one's cake and have it too
    преследовать две взаимно исключающие цели, пытаться совместить несовместимое
    "If you try to eat your cake and have it too, you will never gain anything in life."
  • eat one's heart out
    изводить себя, страдать
    Mary has missed the chance of a good job, and now she is eating her heart out.
  • eat one's words
    взять свои слова назад
    "I must admit I am wrong, so I will have to eat my words."
  • eat out
    поесть в ресторане
    My boy friend invited me to eat out tonight.
  • eat out of (someone's) hands
    безоговорочно подчиняться кому-либо, "плясать под чью-либо дудку"
    Jack is a very proud man. I don't think he is capable of eating out of anybody's hand.
  • egg (someone) on
    подстрекать, подбивать
    It was Samantha who egged him on to write that letter.
  • either feast or famine
    то пиршество, то голод; "разом густо, разом пусто"
    Tamara got used to 'either feast or famine' style of life; for her it is feast today and fast tomorrow.
  • everything from soup to nuts
    почти всё, что нужно
    We took everything from soup to nuts before we went on a picnic.
  • fat is in the fire
    дело скверное, быть беде
    "The fat is in the fire. If you persist in your willfulness, you'll have yourself to blame."
  • feed one's face
    есть, обедать
    They decided to stop at a small cafe to feed their faces.
  • for peanuts
    очень дёшево, за гроши
    We sold our old car for peanuts.
  • forbidden fruit
    запретный плод (сладок)
    My little brother is not allowed to take my textbooks; it is forbidden fruit for him.
  • fruits of one's labor
    плоды своего труда
    A lot of New Year's toys were the fruits of our labor.
  • full of beans
    энергичный, в приподнятом настроении
    My Granny, who is seventy, is always full of beans.
  • get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
    беспокоиться или быть расстроенным из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Mary easily gets herself into a stew over little things that are of no importance.
  • go bananas
    сойти с ума, "психануть"
    "Look here, Nancy! Why go bananas because of such trifles?"