Идиомы на букву G

  • get by (on something)
    справляться, перебиваться (обычно относится к деньгам)
    Kelly earns very little money; I can't figure how she is able to get by on her salary.
  • get carried away
    быть захваченным эмоциями или энтузиазмом
    Anna got carried away and cleaned the whole house.
  • get close to (someone)
    стать ближе к кому-либо, подружиться с кем-либо
    During his stay in Egypt Leonard got close to a few natives.
  • get close to (something)
    почти достичь цели
    I thought I was getting close to learning the truth.
  • get cold feet
    струсить в последнюю минуту, спасовать
    "Did Collin help you to escape? - No, he got cold feet."
  • get cracking
    поторопиться, начать двигаться
    You are to get cracking on this picture if you want to see it exhibited.
  • get credit for (a course)
    получить зачёт
    Jack was not able to get credit for the History course though it was as easy as ABC.
  • get down to (something)
    начать делать что-либо, взяться за дело
    "Now, children, let's get down to work and do a few exercises."
  • get down to brass tacks
    добраться до сути, установить полную ясность
    It was just like his brother to get down to brass tacks and finish this discussion.
  • get down to business
    взяться за дело
    "You've been fooling around long enough; it's time you got down to business."
  • get down to the facts
    добраться до истины (фактов)
    Detective Finch tried to get down to the facts of the case before he started a thorough investigation.
  • get down to the nitty-gritty
    разобраться до конца
    "Somebody has broken the window in the classroom. I want you to get down to the nitty-gritty," the director told the teacher.
  • get engaged
    быть помолвленным
    I heard rumors that Ben had got engaged; his fiancee was a widow with a handsome income.
  • get even (with someone)
    отплатить кому-либо, поквитаться с кем-либо
    Alan decided to get even with his girl friend for having walked out on him.
  • get going
    разволноваться, рассердиться
    Once Marion gets going, there is no stopping her wailing.
  • get gray hair
    поседеть (в результате стресса)
    Ms Ross was getting gray hair from her son; he was her constant worry.
  • get hitched
    пожениться, выйти замуж
    John and Mary surprised us all; they got hitched yesterday.
  • get hold of (someone)
    связаться с кем-либо
    I tried to get hold of my boss and ask him a few questions.
  • get hold of (something)
    приобрести что-либо
    "I hear you have got hold of a beautiful car."
  • get in (someone's) hair
    раздражать кого-либо
    "Your behavior gets in my hair."
  • get in on (something)
    быть вовлечённым во что-либо
    I could never believe that Sandra got in on the redecorating of the house.
  • get in on the ground floor
    начать с начала (в надежде на будущий успех)
    "If I were you, I would get in on the ground floor of your new job."
  • get in touch with someone
    связаться с кем-либо, войти в контакт
    "I think you'd better get in touch with your legal adviser about those taxes."
  • get into (someone's) head
    пытаться понять, о чём думает и что чувствует кто-либо
    I am trying to get into my friend's head, so that I might understand how he feels about losing his job.
  • get into a stew over (someone or something)
    беспокоиться или волноваться из-за кого-либо/ чего-либо
    "You needn't get into a stew over your daughter's absense. She'll call you as soon as she can."
  • get into hot water
    попасть в тяжелое положение, потерять почву под ногами, увязнуть
    Tim might get into hot water because of his debts.
  • get into the act
    пытаться участвовать в чем-либо
    We played games at the barbeque and everybody wanted to get into the act.
  • get into the swing of things
    привыкнуть к новому окружению или ситуации
    When I move to a new environment, it's always difficult for me to get into the swing of things.
  • get involved with (someone)
    связаться с кем-либо (часто романтически)
    Gina has got involved with Jack; they have been going out for a few months already.
  • get it
    понять, уяснить
    "Why aren't you laughing? The joke is quite funny. - I didn't get it."
  • get it all together
    полностью овладеть собой
    Ron finally overcome his perplexity and got it all together.
  • get it into one's head to (do something)
    вбить что-либо себе в голову
    Jane got it into her head to become an actress though she doesn't have any inclination for acting.
  • get it through one's head
    взбрести кому-либо в голову
    Angie has got it through her head to become a movie star, but I know she is not cut out for this career.
  • Get lost!
    Уйди! Отстань!
    My little sister was bothering me with her silly questions so I told her to get lost.
  • get mad at (someone or something)
    сильно злиться на кого-либо/ чего-либо
    My hair dryer wouldn't work and I got mad at it.