Идиомы на букву G

  • gain ground
    делать успехи, продвигаться вперёд
    At first it seemed a very difficult job, yet little by little I gained ground.
  • game that two can play
    условия равные для обеих сторон
    "I don't like your proposal; it's not fair. It should be a game that two can play."
  • gang up on (someone)
    напасть на кого-либо (целой группой)
    A few youngsters ganged up on a bum in the park.
  • gas up
    наполнить бензобак
    We'd better gas up before we go on a car trip to the country.
  • gear up for (something)
    готовиться к чему-либо
    The teams are gearing up for the baseball game.
  • gee whiz
    Да ну! (восклицание, выражающее удивление)
    "Gee whiz! Are you really going to take part in the chess tournament?"
  • generous to a fault
    чересчур щедрый
    "Don't give the kid too much money; you are generous to a fault."
  • get (someone or something) out of one's head/mind
    выбросить кого-либо/ что-либо из головы, забыть
    "Get that nonsense out of your head!"
  • get (someone or something) out of one's mind/head
    выбросить кого-либо/ чего-либо из головы, забыть
    "Get that nonsense out of your head!"
  • get (someone's) back up
    рассердить кого-либо
    I did not intend to get my friend's back up when I asked her if I could borrow her laptop.
  • get (someone's) goat
    раздражать кого-либо
    My husband is very unpunctual, and it gets my goat.
  • get (someone's) number
    составить мнение о ком-либо, "раскусить человека"
    Santana and Kim got their new roommate's number pretty soon.
  • get (someone) down
    приводить в угнетённое состояние
    My words got Alice down.
  • get (someone) out of one's hair
    перестать надоедать кому-либо
    Eliza tried hard to get her younger sister out of her hair.
  • get (something) into/through (someone's) head
    заставить кого-либо понять что-либо
    The mother couldn't get it through her son's head the necessity of studying hard.
  • get (something) off one's chest
    рассказать о том, что беспокоит; облегчить душу
    "Tell me what's worrying you. Get it off your chest."
  • get (something) out in the open
    сделать что-либо всеобщим достоянием
    Alison didn't want to get her private life out in the open.
  • get (something) out of (something)
    извлекать выгоду(пользу) из чего-либо
    She will never be able to get anything out of studying anthropology.
  • get (something) out of one's system
    избавиться от желания что-либо делать
    "I want you to get gossiping out of your system."
  • get (something) out of the way
    сделать, закончить что-либо
    I got my exams out of the way and I can start enjoying myself.
  • get (something) over with
    покончить с чем-либо
    Joe was anxious to get his task over with.
  • get (something) straight
    ясно понять что-либо
    "I am sorry but I can't possibly get straight what you want me to do."
  • get (something) through (someone's) thick skull
    вбить, вдолбить кому-либо в голову
    The mother couldn't get it through her son's thick scull the necessity of finding a job.
  • get a bang out of (someone or something)
    находить удовольствие в ком-либо \ чём-то
    My boss got a bang out of pushing me into the duties I was unable to perform.
  • get a black eye
    получить синяк под глазом, "подпортить свою репутацию"
    Robert didn't want to tell me how he had got a black eye.
  • get a break
    получить значительную скидку, послабление (в цене)
    Tim managed to get a break on the price of the furniture and saved much money.
  • get a bright idea
    великолепная идея пришла в голову (часто используется иронически)
    Sam Simpson got a bright idea that he should buy a couple of horses.
  • get a checkup
    проверяться (у врача)
    It's necessary for you to go to the doctor to get a checkup before you join our football team.
  • get a clean bill of health
    получить справку о (хорошем) состоянии здоровья
    I doubt if I can get a clean bill of health; I have pains in the back now and then.
  • get a dirty look from (someone)
    поймать чей-либо хмурый взгляд
    I got a dirty look from a woman in the car park. My car must have barred her exit.
  • get a feel for (something)
    привыкнуть к чему-либо; научиться
    George hasn't got a feel for his new job yet.
  • get a fix on (something)
    получить изображение чего-либо ( при помощи электронных средств)
    They couldn't get a fix on the island because it was too far away.
  • get a foothold (somewhere)
    получить отправную точку, начать (где-либо)
    The new construction company got a foothold in a medium-sized town.
  • get a grasp of (something)
    понять что-либо, уяснить
    Eva couldn't get a grasp of how to operate her new camera.
  • get a grip of oneself
    взять себя в руки
    "I want you to get a grip of yourself and calm down."