Идиомы на букву K

Настройки списка
  • keep harping on (something)
    надоедливо толковать, твердить одно и то же
    My boss keeps harping on the fact that I am too slow in my job.
  • keep house
    вести домашнее хозяйство
    "What is the name of the woman who keeps house for Mr. Johnson?"
  • keep in touch (with someone)
    поддерживать связь с кем-либо
    Though Wanda's family is scattered all over the country they keep in touch with one another.
  • keep late hours
    поздно ложиться спать
    Now that Silvia began to study at the university she has to keep late hours because she has a lot to do.
  • keep off (something)
    держаться в отдалении от чего-либо
    I made up my mind to keep off the stadium not to tempt providence.
  • keep on (doing something)
    продолжать делать что-либо
    The teacher tells the pupils to be more attentive, but they keep on making the same mistakes again and again.
  • keep on an even keel
    сохранять хладнокровие, спокойствие
    I couldn't keep on an even keel when I saw a big boy beating a small one.
  • keep on one's toes
    быть бдительным, внимательным
    Mark tried to keep on his toes during a grammar test.
  • keep one's chin up
    не унывать, "не вешать носа"
    Sam put his finger under Jen's chin and looked into her eyes. "Keep your chin up, Jennie," he said.
  • keep one's cool
    оставаться спокойным
    I can't very well keep my cool when people insult me.
  • keep one's distance from (someone or something)
    держаться в стороне, подальше от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Celia is very reticent, and I often see her keeping her distance from the other children.
  • keep one's ear to the ground
    держать ухо востро"
    I have been keeping my ear to the ground since I heard the rumors that the President of the company is going to retire.
  • keep one's eye on the ball
    быть внимательным, не упускать из виду основной цели
    "I wish you could keep your eye on the ball or you will never make any progress with your Italian."
  • keep one's eyes open
    смотреть в оба, быть настороже
    "I've been keeping my eyes open and have seen a nice sofa at a reasonable price."
  • keep one's eyes peeled for (someone or something)
    быть на чеку, следить за кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Bob stood outside the restaurant and kept his eyes peeled for his girlfriend to appear.
  • keep one's feet on the ground
    твёрдо стоять на земле
    My Uncle Tom has always kept his feet on the ground, and he is quite successful in his job.
  • keep one's finger's crossed
    желать удачи, скрестить пальцы на удачу
    I wanted my friend to keep his fingers crossed while I was at a job interview.
  • keep one's hand in (something)
    продолжать заниматься чем-либо, сохранять контроль над чем-либо
    Jeremy wanted to keep his hand in so that he could have the feel of the market.
  • keep one's hands off (someone or something)
    не трогать кого-либо или не брать руками что-либо
    My mother asked me to keep my hands off the ice-cream.
  • keep one's head
    сохранять спокойствие, присутствие духа, владеть собой, "не терять головы"
    Jordan is as cool as a cucumber; he always keeps his head in emergences.
  • keep one's head above water
    бороться за существование, с трудом сводить концы с концами
    I am not rich. I am not even wealthy. In fact I can hardly keep my head above water.
  • keep one's head down
    стараться быть незаметным
    He was ashamed of what he had done, so he kept his head down, trying to remain unnoticed.
  • keep one's mouth shut
    помалкивать, "держать язык за зубами",
    "If you have nothing to say, then keep your mouth shut and don't interrupt."
  • keep one's nose clean
    не нарываться на неприятности
    Jacob was never able to keep his nose clean, and eventually he got into trouble.
  • keep one's nose out of (something)
    не лезть не в своё дело
    "Please, mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine."
  • keep one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    I am going to keep my nose to the grindstone so that I can save enough money to go on a holiday to Italy.
  • keep one's opinions to oneself
    держать своё мнение при себе
    "No one is interested in what you want to say, so please try and keep your opinions to yourself."
  • keep one's own counsel
    скрывать что-либо, держать в секрете, "держать язык за зубами"
    I know that Dora has some problems at work, but she prefers to keep her own counsel and never tells anyone about them.
  • keep one's place
    знать своё место
    Jill was not satisfied with the relashionships among her co-workers, but she was told to keep her place.
  • keep one's shirt on
    сохранять спокойствие, не нервничать, не горячиться
    During the meeting everybody was agitated; Nick was the only one who was able to keep his shirt on.
  • keep one's wits about one
    не терять головы, сохранять самообладание
    Throughout the dispute Conrad was like a cold spectator who could keep his wits about him.
  • keep one's word
    сдержать своё слово, обещание
    She kept her word in coming to visit me.
  • keep pace (with someone or something)
    идти в ногу с кем-либо \ чем-либо, идти наравне, не отставать
    Helen had been ill for a long time, and it was difficult for her to keep pace with the other students.
  • keep quiet
    не шуметь
    The children were making a lot of noise, and the mother had to tell them to keep quiet.
  • keep still
    не шуметь или не двигаться
    "Please keep still during the lecture."