Идиомы на букву O

  • one's days are numbered
    чьи-либо дни сочтены
    I think Steve's days at work are numbered; he had been very rude to the customers and they complained.
  • one's lucky number comes up
    кому-либо выпадает счастье, удача
    At last Felicity's lucky number came up; she was able to find a well-paid job.
  • one's number is up
    с кем-либо произойдёт что-то плохое
    I am afraid that my number is up, and I will soon lose my job.
  • one's opposite number
    такой же занимаемый пост, но в другой организации
    My boss spoke with his opposite number in another computer company, but they could not come to any agreement.