Идиомы на букву A

  • able to (do something) standing on one's head
    уметь делать что-либо легко и быстро
    Jim has always been a skilled worker; he is able to do his job standing on his head.
  • able to breathe easily again
    вздохнуть свободно
    When Hillary paid her bank loan, she was able to breathe easily again.
  • able to do (something) blindfolded
    делать что-то вслепую, делать что-то легко и быстро
    Jim has always been a skilled worker; he does his job blindfolded.
  • able to take a joke
    уметь посмеяться над собой
    Not everybody is able to take a joke; I, for example, can't stand when people make fun of me.