Идиомы на букву A

  • as black as a skillet
    очень чёрный (как сковорода)
    Alan's hands were as black as a skillet when he finished repairing his car.
  • as black as a stack of black cats
    очень чёрный (как множество чёрных кошек)
    Tina's dress was as black as a stack of black cats.
  • as black as a sweep
    очень грязный (как трубочист)
    "Look! You are as black as a sweep! What have you done to your face and hands?"
  • as black as coal
    чёрный как смоль
    The man had a dark complexion, and his hair was as black as coal.
  • as black as night
    черный как ночь"
    The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
  • as black as pitch
    тёмный как ночь
    Approaching the house, we saw that it was as black as night.
  • as black as the ace of spades
    очень чёрный (как негр)
    When she returned from the beach, she was as black as the ace of spades.