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A for effort
оценка за стараниеThe children in the nursery school received an A for effort for their drawings of animals.
alley cat
бродячая, бездомная кошкаThere is an alley cat which I see near my house very often.
as sick as a dog
очень больнойYates was shivering with cold and looked as sick as a dog.
apple of (one's) eye
очень дорогой, любимый (свет очей, зеница ока)Her little son is the apple of her eye.
as hard as nails
физически сильный и здоровый (человек); грубый, жёсткийHe is as hard as nails, and it is difficult to deal with him.
ahead of the pack
(быть) впереди всехI studied hard so that I could be ahead of the pack in my class.
as clean as a hound's tooth
очень чистыйWhen I finished cleaning the kitchen, it looked as clean as a hound's tooth.
as cool as a cucumber
хладнокровныйMy friend Eric is as cool as a cucumber; he never gets upset.
as busy as a bee
трудолюбивый как пчёлка, очень занятыйCora has been as busy as a bee since she moved into her new house.
as flat as a pancake
очень плоский (как блин)The early people believed that the Earth was as flat as a pancake.
as easy as apple pie
очень легко \ лёгкийMy History exam was as easy as apple pie.
as warm as toast
очень тёплый и уютныйI have a very cozy bed; it is as warm as toast.
as blind as a bat
слепой, "слепой как крот"I have lost my glasses, and without them I am as blind as a bat.
at one's wit's end
быть в растерянности; не знать, что делатьJack was at his wit's end about what to do with the puppy.
as happy as a lark
очень счастливый, весёлыйMaria looked as happy as a lark when she got engaged to Mark.
above average
выше среднегоTim's grades were always above average in all subjects.
Alcoholic's Anonymous - анонимные алкоголики (группа помощи людям, страдающим от алкогольной зависимости)Felix Young attended AA meetings last year.
aching heart
чувство печали (по поводу утраченной любви)Ann's love has faded and now she is left with an aching heart.
as dry as a bone
очень сухой, высохший; (сухой как кость)During the drought the land became as dry as a bone.
as busy as a beaver
быть очень занятымPaul seems to be as busy as a beaver all the time.
across the board
включая всех и всяThe company has decided to give the employees an across-the-board increase in their salary.
as nervous as a cat
очень нервныйThe woman was as nervous as a cat when she talked to the bank manager.
as dead as a dodo
мёртвый (как вымершая птица дронт)A car hit a cat, and it was as dead as a dodo after the accident.
as weak as a kitten
очень слабый, тщедушныйAnne recovered from her illness but was as weak as a kitten.
as easy as ABC
очень легкоIt is not difficult for most children to learn how to use a cell phone; actually it is as easy as ABC.
as crooked as a dog's hind leg
нечестный, бессовестныйI dislike Jeremy Stuart; he turned out to be as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
as nutty as a fruitcake
сумасшедший, выживший из умаDora is nutty as a fruitcake; she is irrational and crazy.
above par
выше номиналаThe stocks were selling above par at the stock exchange that day.
as gentle as a lamb
нежный, ласковыйMarion is as gentle as a lamb when she is with her baby daughter.
above board
честный (игроки показывали свою честность, держа руки поверх крышки стола)It is necessary to be above board when dealing with people otherwise they won't trust you.
as poor as a church mouse
бедный как церковная мышьCathy can't afford a new car; she is as poor as a church mouse.
all in all
суммарно, в целомThere were twelve people all in all at the parents' meeting that day.
as proud as a peacock
очень гордыйMs. Bobtail's son was a good musician, and she was as proud as a peacock of him.
as white as a sheet
бледный как полотноWhen they told Pauline about the accident, she became as white as a sheet.
as black as coal
чёрный как смольThe man had a dark complexion, and his hair was as black as coal.