Идиомы на букву G

  • go around in circles
    не делать успехов, топтаться на одном месте
    I have been going around in circles all morning and I haven't made any progress with my work.
  • go around the bend
    сойти с ума, тронуться умом
    I guess Mike has gone around the bend because he does nothing but speak about flying saucers.
  • go astray
    сбиться (с пути), затерять(ся)
    My watch has gone astray and I have no hope of finding it.
  • go at it
    набрасываться на кого-либо, спорить с кем-либо
    The mother and son were going at it loudly.
  • go at it tooth and nail/hammer and tongs
    энергично, изо всех сил; стараться сделать что-либо
    He got tired easily now. No longer could he go at it tooth and nail.
  • go away empty-handed
    уйти ни с чем, с пустыми руками
    I wasn't able to get an English-English dictionary in the book store, so I went away empty-handed.
  • go back on (something)
    нарушать обещание, отказаться от своих слов
    If Garry gives his word, nothing will make him go back on it.
  • go back on one's word
    нарушить обещание
    My friend went back on his word, and I don't trust him now.
  • go back to square one
    начать всё с начала
    Kelly had to go back to square one to renew her project.
  • go back to the drawing board
    возвратиться и начать всё с начала
    If our negotiations fail, we'll have to go back to the drawing board and start over.
  • go bad
    испортиться, сгнить
    "The pears will soon go bad so you'd better eat them now."
  • go bananas
    сойти с ума, "психануть"
    "Look here, Nancy! Why go bananas because of such trifles?"
  • go begging
    быть не нужным или не используемым, не иметь спроса
    My old computer went begging; I am not going to use it any longer.
  • go belly up
    The small printing company had a lot of financial problems; no wonder they went belly up a few months ago.
  • go broke
    разориться, потерять все деньги
    Josef Marsh went broke because of the collapse of a Canadian company in which he had invested.
  • go by the book
    неукоснительно следовать правилам
    My teacher always goes by the book when she gives us tests.
  • go cold turkey
    резко прекратить делать что-либо
    Alan decided to go cold turkey and quit drinking.
  • go down fighting
    бороться, драться до конца
    The chief executive was determined to go down fighting to try and keep his position.
  • go down in history
    войти в историю
    The battle at Traffalger went down in history.
  • go down on one's knees/on bended knee
    умолять, встать на колени
    Alice had to go down on her knees to ask her Mom's permission to go to her friend's party.
  • go down to the wire
    приближаться к крайнему сроку, заканчиваться
    The workers went down to the wire and were able to complete the construction of the bridge on time.
  • go downhill
    становиться всё хуже и хуже, ухудшаться, "катиться под гору"
    The economy of that country has been going downhill for quite some time.
  • go Dutch
    платить каждый за себя
    My friend and I often go Dutch when we go to a pizza hut.
  • go easy on (someone or something)
    быть добрым и мягким по отношению к кому-либо
    Judge Crimson shouldn't have gone easy on the young delinquent, whose conduct was outrageous.
  • go fifty-fifty (on something)
    делить что-либо поровну
    My friend and I decided to go fifty-fifty on a new computer.
  • go for (something)
    желать чего-либо, пытаться получить что-либо
    My sister goes for new roller skates.
  • go for broke
    стараться изо всех сил, рисковать,
    They were going for broke to try and win grants for their projects.
  • go for it
    решать делать что-либо, добиваться
    Hillary decided to go for it and take part in the swimming competitions.
  • go for the jugular
    напасть на кого-либо с целью причинить наибольший вред (нанести удар в шею, где проходит ярёмная вена)
    Aram had been waiting for so long to attack his enemy; now it was time he went for the jugular.
  • go from bad to worse
    ухудшаться, портиться
    They were short of food and money; things were going from bad to worse.
  • go great guns
    делать что-либо очень быстро, энергично
    The construction workers were going great guns when I saw them building a new house.
  • go halves
    делить пополам
    "Let's go halves on buying a new television set."
  • go hand in hand (with something)
    идти рука об руку, быть тесно связанным с чем-либо
    Martha was a woman in whom utter devotion could still go hand in hand with a doubting soul.
  • go haywire
    разваливаться, перестать нормально работать
    Little by little the electrical appliances in the house began to go haywire.
  • go head to head with (someone)
    соревноваться с кем-либо на равных
    Jack went head to head with his opponent in the tennis competition.