Идиомы на букву M

  • make off with (someone or something)
    удрать, убежать с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Bobby took away a toy from a little boy and made off with it.
  • make one's bed and lie in it
    отвечать за свои действия, "как постелешь, так и поспишь"
    "You have let your friends down, and now nobody trusts you. You made your bed and now you must lie in it."
  • make one's blood boil
    очень рассердиться, "кровь вскипела"
    I can't stand Ken. His misbehavior makes my blood boil.
  • make one's feelings known
    раскрывать свои чувства
    Sam tried to conceal his love for Tamara; he didn't want to make his feelings known.
  • make one's hair stand on end
    сильно напугать кого-либо, "волосы встали дыбом"
    She heard horrible screams of the tortured people and it made her hair stand on end.
  • make one's mouth water
    захотеть есть, "слюнки потекли"
    The chicken my mother had fried was so wonderful that it made my mouth water.
  • make one's own way
    идти своим путём
    Jack decided to rely on his own abilities and make his own way in business.
  • make one's toes curl
    чувствовать себя неловко
    Rick said something unpleasant and it made my toes curl.
  • make oneself at home
    чувствовать себя как дома
    "Come on in and make yourself at home. I'll be with you in a minute."
  • make oneself conspicuous
    привлекать к себе внимание
    Maria always wears extravagant clothes to make herself conspicuous.
  • make oneself felt
    использовать свой авторитет, власть
    During the land conflict the deputy mayor was able to make himself felt.
  • make oneself heard
    говорить громко, чтобы быть услышанным
    There was such a pandemonium in the classroom that the monitor could hardly make herself heard.
  • make oneself scarce
    быстро уйти
    The party was boring and I thought I'd better make myself scarce.
  • make or break (someone)
    возвеличить или погубить кого-либо; "либо пан, либо пропал"
    "You never know what the new business venture may do to you; it can make or break you."
  • make out
    справляться с чем-либо, преуспевать
    "I will drop you a line to tell you how I am making out."
  • make out (something)
    с трудом разобрать, прочесть, расслышать
    "I am sorry but I can't very well make out what you are saying."
  • make over (something)
    переделывать, перекраивать
    After Sarah finished the dress, she didn't like it, so she decided to make it over.
  • make overtures to (someone)
    пытаться завладеть чьим-либо расположением
    Linda made overtures to her boss but nothing came out of it.
  • make peace with (someone)
    мириться с кем-либо
    The husband and wife were not on speaking terms for a few days and were finally able to make peace with each other.
  • make points with (someone)
    добиваться чьего-либо расположения
    I tried to make points with my boss, but nothing came out of it.
  • make room for (someone or something)
    освобождать место для кого-либо \ чего-либо, подвинуться, посторониться
    I've bought a lot of new books and made room for them in the bookcase.
  • make sense
    иметь смысл
    Your proposal doesn't make sense; there is neither rhyme nor reason in it.
  • make sense out of (someone or something)
    понимать смысл, значение чего-либо
    I couldn't very well make sense out of his business plan though I tried very hard.
  • make short work of (something)
    быстро справиться, разделаться с чем-либо
    My bedroom had been in a mess, but I made short work of it.
  • make sure
    "I want you to make sure if you have packed everything."
  • make the best of (something)
    использовать что-либо наилучшим образом
    George made the best of his time working as a night watch; he was able to study for his TOEFLE exam.
  • make the cut
    соответствовать требованиям, подходить под установленный стандарт
    The young footballer does not make the cut, and he is not supposed to join the team this year.
  • make the grade
    преуспеть в чём-либо, добиться чего-либо
    Jim was able to make the grade and joined the baseball team.
  • make the most of (something)
    использовать наилучшим образом
    Gus was allowed to use his uncle's library, and he made the most of that opportunity.
  • make the scene
    присутствовать на мероприятии, пойти куда-либо
    Gina couldn't decide whether to make the scene and go to the party or not.
  • make time for (someone or something)
    отвести время для кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Pam tries to make time for on-line studying French.
  • make time with (someone)
    флиртовать с кем-либо
    The woman, who was a bit drunk, was trying to make time with the bartender.
  • make up
    мириться (после ссоры)
    My friend and I often quarrel, but we usually make up pretty soon.
  • make up (something)
    собирать, упаковывать что-либо
    Ken unpacked his bags and made up a bundle for the laundry.
  • make up for (something)
    возмещать, навёрстывать, компенсировать что-либо
    Jack made up for his lack of talent by meritorious industry.