Идиомы на букву B

  • bad blood (between people)
    вражда, неприязненные отношения между людьми
    Derek and his cousin are not on speaking terms; there is much bad blood between them.
  • between a rock and a hard place
    быть в очень трудном положении (между молотом и наковальней)
    The sailors got between a rock and a hard place trying to save the boat during the storm.
  • between the devil and the deep blue sea
    между двух огней (в очень трудном положении)
    Maria was between the devil and the deep blue sea in her efforts to make peace in the family.
  • betwixt and between
    быть в нерешительности; ни то ни сё, так себе
    I didn't feel like going out with my friends; I was betwixt and between whether to join them or not.