Идиомы на букву B

  • blow (someone or something) off
    избегать кого-либо, пропустить что-либо
    Jennet couldn't blow off the chance to go to the Mediterranean with a group of scientists.
  • blow (someone's) cover
    раскрыть чью-либо подлинную суть или цель
    I didn't know what Mark's intention was, but I hoped to blow his cover.
  • blow (someone's) mind
    взволновать, полностью захватить (о чувствах)
    "The book is so thrilling that I hope it will blow your mind."
  • blow (someone) away
    произвести большое впечатление, захватить
    The circus show was so brilliant that it blew everybody away.
  • blow (something)
    провалиться (на экзамене), провалить (дело, мероприятие)
    I was afraid I might blow my first job interview.
  • blow (something) out of all proportion
    делать из мухи слона, преувеличивать
    "Stop exaggerating! You are blowing the problem out of all proportion."
  • blow a fuse
    вспыхнуть как спичка, внезапно разозлиться
    My friend blew a fuse when I told him that I had lost his book.
  • blow one's nose
    Jack took out a big handkerchief from his pocket and loudly blew his nose.
  • blow one's own horn
    сам себя хвалить
    "What annoys me is that you are constantly blowing your own horn."
  • blow over
    пройти, миновать, утихнуть
    The storm blew over, leaving fallen trees, broken windows and ripped off roofs.
  • blow the lid off (something)
    разоблачить что-либо
    I suspect that their activities are not at all legal, and I intend to blow the lid off them.
  • blow the whistle on someone
    донести на кого-либо (досл. судья свистит в свисток, если кто-либо провинится)
    Jack blew the whistle on the criminal activities of Marshall.
  • blow to smithereens
    разнести на кусочки, разрушить полностью
    The explosion was so strong that it blew the bus to smithereens.
  • blow up (at someone)
    бранить, делать выговор, устраивать разнос
    "I am sorry to have blown up at you the other day, but I was very annoyed with you."
  • blow up in (someone's) face
    мгновенно взорваться, потерять значимость
    The information, which was supposed to be secret, suddenly blew up in his face.
  • body blow
    сокрушительный удар или серьёзные повреждения
    Ron's small house received a body blow when the hurricane hit the town.