Идиомы на тему Business

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  • overnight (something)
    послать что-либо, так чтобы доставка была на следующий день
    I wanted to have the documents delivered the next day, so I decided to overnight them.
  • pay off
    принести прибыль, окупиться
    They hope that this particular research will pay off commercially.
  • pay off a debt/loan
    выплатить долг, ссуду
    I had borrowed money from the bank and finished to pay off the loan pretty soon.
  • piece/slice of the action
    доля от прибыли
    The author believed to get a piece of the action from the publishing of his new book.
  • plug a product
    содействовать распространению продукта
    The movie star made a lot of money by plugging new products.
  • preferred customer
    постоянный и выгодный клиент
    Sally used to be a preferred customer of one of the bookstores in New York.
  • put (someone) on hold
    заставить кого-либо ждать во время телефонного звонка
    I wanted to reserve a room, so I phoned the Ritz, and the receptionist put me on hold.
  • put (someone) through
    соединить с кем-либо (по телефону)
    Linda phoned the bank and they quickly put her through to a bank clerk.
  • put (something) on hold
    перенести что-либо, отсрочить
    The construction company had to put the project on hold before the environmental issue was cleared out.
  • put one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    Joe put his nose to the grindstone and worked all day in his garage, repairing his car.
  • red ink
    That small business had much red ink because of the softening of economy.
  • red tape
    излишние формальности, волокита, бюрократизм
    It wasn't red tape on the hospital's part; the patient was too sick to see anyone.
  • rule (someone) out of order
    лишить кого-либо слова (на собрании)
    The chairman ruled the speaker out of order because the latter began to deviate from the point.
  • run a meeting
    вести собрание
    Very few people are capable of running a meeting very well.
  • run an ad
    опубликовать рекламу, объявление
    The computer firm ran an ad to tell the public about the new service.
  • run short
    не хватать, иссякнуть
    Mary had to go shopping late in the evening because she had run short of coffee and sugar.
  • saddled with debt
    (быть) обременённым долгами
    The shop owner is saddled with debt and must sell his shop as soon as possible.
  • second a motion
    согласиться с предложением, одобрить
    Simon seconded the motion that the office hours should be an hour longer.
  • sell (something) at a loss
    продать что-либо с убытком
    The factory was made to sell their goods at a loss.
  • sell like hotcakes
    раскупаются как горячие пирожки, берутся нарасхват
    The baseball game was supposed to be on Saturday and the tickets for it were selling like hotcakes.
  • sell out
    распродать всё целиком
    Every spring the company sells out all of their winter goods.
  • set up a meeting
    устроить собрание, встречу, совещание
    Stella was trying to set up a meeting with the Dean of the Mass Media Department.
  • strike while the iron is hot
    пользоваться благоприятной возможностью, "куй железо пока горячо"
    My friend told me about a vacancy in their office, so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and quickly applied for the job.
  • sweetheart deal
    благоприятная, взаимовыгодная сделка
    They made a sweetheart deal with a traveling agency to have the price of the tickets reduced.
  • table a discussion
    перенести обсуждение на более позднее время
    They tabled the discussion about the sponsorship until the next meeting.
  • take (a company) public
    продавать акции компании всем желающим (широкой публике)
    There was no any other way out; they had to take their company public in order to avoid bankruptcy.
  • take (something) at face value
    принимать что-либо за чистую монету
    I took his promise to help at face value and was upset when he didn't keep his word.
  • take a nosedive
    терпеть крах, резкий спад
    The stock market took a nosedive when the profit of the coal company decreased.
  • take a pay cut
    понижение заработной платы
    The construction workers were forced to take a pay cut after the strike.
  • take minutes
    вести протокол (на собрании)
    "Who is to take minutes at the meeting today?"
  • take on (an employee)
    нанять, взять кого-либо на работу
    Fanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
  • take over (something)
    брать что-либо под контроль, под ответственность или принимать во владение
    The government is going to take over the mining industry of the country.
  • take stock
    проводить инвентаризацию, учёт
    We are planning to take stock next week.
  • teething problems/troubles
    проблемы, трудности становления
    Our new project is having many teething problems at the moment, but I am sure we'll get over them.
  • throw cold water on (something)
    отбить охоту делать что-либо, окатить холодной водой
    Kelly's father threw cold water on her plans to continue her education by saying he could not afford to pay for it.