Идиомы на букву F

  • fall apart
    разваливаться, плохо работать
    "My car is falling apart; I must have it repaired as soon as possible."
  • fall apart at the seams
    разваливаться по швам, на куски
    I couldn't wear my jeans any longer; they were falling apart at the seams.
  • fall asleep
    The child fell asleep in her mother's arms.
  • fall back
    отставать, вернуться назад
    One of the tourists fell back from the group during an excursion.
  • fall back on (someone or something)
    прибегнуть к помощи кого-либо/ чего-либо
    Tom had a difficult problem, but he didn't want to fall back on anyone.
  • fall behind
    запаздывать, отставать
    Josef fell behind with his rent.
  • fall by the wayside
    отстать от других, оказаться на обочине
    Sally was afraid she might fall by the wayside in the chess tournament.
  • fall down on the job
    не справиться с работой
    "Listen carefully to the instructions lest you should not fall down on the job."
  • fall flat on one's face
    полностью провалиться, потерпеть неудачу
    The young actor fell flat on his face during his first performance.
  • fall for (someone or something)
    почувствовать влечение к кому-либо \ чему-либо, влюбиться
    He is very handsome; women fall for him like a row of ninepins.
  • fall for (someone)
    почувствовать влечение к кому-либо, влюбиться
    Jeremy is very handsome; women fall for him like a row of ninepins.
  • fall from grace
    оказаться в немилости
    Samuel didn't want to fall from grace with the woman he loved so dearly.
  • fall head over heels
    упасть головой вниз
    Miss Moose felt strong hands push her, and she fell head over heels down the staircase.
  • fall head over heels in love with (someone)
    влюбиться по уши
    Dorothy fell head over heels in love with David.
  • fall ill
    Little Bobby didn't come to school; he must have fallen ill.
  • fall in love (with someone)
    влюбиться в кого-либо
    He had never seen the young lady, only her portrait, but he fell in love with that and marry her he would.
  • fall in love with (someone or something)
    влюбиться в кого-либо/ во что-либо
    He had never seen the young lady, only her portrait, but he fell in love with that and marry her he would.
  • fall in with (a group of people)
    связаться с (группой людей)
    Rick fell in with a bad group of guys and began to take drugs.
  • fall into a trap
    попасть в ловушку
    Paul fell into a trap of Fanny's charms.
  • fall into line
    стать в строй, построиться в шеренгу
    At the beginning of the lesson the P.E. teacher ordered the students to fall into line.
  • fall into place
    встать на свои места
    Everything fell into place when Alice and her husband moved into a new house.
  • fall off
    уменьшаться, ослабевать
    The number of people visiting the exhibition has begun to fall off.
  • fall off the wagon
    вернуться к прежним привычкам (об алкоголе и наркотиках)
    Felix stopped taking drugs for a short while and then he fell off the wagon.
  • fall on deaf ears
    пропускать мимо ушей, игнорировать
    The reprimand of Linda's parents always falls on deaf ears.
  • fall on hard times
    испытать много трудностей
    The people of the mining town fell on hard times when a few mines had been closed.
  • fall out of use
    выйти из употребления
    Bulky tape-recorders fell out of use long ago.
  • fall out with (someone) over (something)
    разойтись во мнениях с кем-либо, поссориться из-за чего-либо
    Mary fell out with her daughter over where to spend their holiday.
  • fall over backwards (to do something)
    очень стараться делать что-либо ради других
    The young doctor fell over backwards to help his patients.
  • fall over oneself to do something
    лезть из кожи вон, чтобы сделать что-либо
    Joe came out of his room all smiles and falling over himself to show he was pleased to see us.
  • fall short of (one's expectations)
    не оправдать чьих-либо ожиданий
    The new novel by Z. has fallen short of my expectations.
  • fall short of (something)
    не хватать чего-либо, кончаться
    The soldiers fell short of ammunition and couldn't go on fighting.
  • fall through
    потерпеть неудачу, провалиться
    Through no fault of theirs the plan fell through.
  • fall to (someone) to do (something)
    выпадать кому-либо, делать что-либо; стать чьей-либо обязанностью
    It usually falls to me to wash the dirty dishes after every meal.