Идиомы на тему Mouth and Teeth

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  • lips are sealed
    не разглашать секрета, "закрыть рот на замок"
    "Don't worry, my lips are sealed and I won't tell anybody about your problem."
  • long in the tooth
    (быть) старым, песок сыплется (длинные зубы у лошади – признак старости)
    My Uncle Ben was very long in the tooth but very spry.
  • loosen (someone's) tongue
    развязать кому-либо язык; заставить кого-либо выболтать что-либо
    I wanted to get some information about the deal, but I didn't know how to loosen Mike's tongue.
  • loudmouth
    болтун, трепло
    Ron is a loudmouth; he is also noisy and boastful.
  • lower one's voice
    понизить голос
    My mother asked me to lower my voice because my little sister was asleep.
  • not open one's mouth
    и рта не раскрыть, ничего не сказать
    Robert was depressed; he did not open his mouth all day.
  • on everybody's lips
    у всех на устах
    The airplane crash, which happened a week ago, is still on everybody's lips.
  • on the tip of one's tongue
    вертится на языке (не припомню)
    I know his name; it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite remember it at the moment.
  • pay lip service to (someone or something)
    поддерживать кого-либо на словах, а не на деле
    "If you can support the project, do it. Don't pay lip service to me."
  • pull (someone's) tooth out
    выдернуть \ удалить кому-либо зуб
    I had a terrible toothache the other day, and was relieved when the dentist pulled my tooth out.
  • put some teeth into (something)
    увеличивать, наращивать (мощь, силу, значимость)
    The local government plans to put some teeth into the new parking rules.
  • put words into (someone's) mouth
    подсказать кому-либо, что надо говорить; "вложить слова в чьи-либо уста"
    "Frank never said that. You are trying to put words in his mouth."
  • ram (something) down (someone's) throat
    навязывать кому-либо что-либо (своё мнение, взгляды)
    "I don't want you to ram your notions down my throat."
  • read (someone's) lips
    внимательно слушать кого-либо и верить тому, что говориться
    The teacher told the students to read her lips and listen carefully to what she was saying.
  • run off at the mouth
    болтать без умолку
    Linda is the most talkative girl I have ever met; she can run off at the mouth for hours.
  • say a mouthful
    сказать что-либо важное, необычное, потрясающее
    My friend did say a mouthful when she narrated her unusual story.
  • set one's teeth on edge
    действовать кому-либо на нервы, раздражать, выводить из себя
    "Please, stop that noise! It sets my teeth on edge."
  • set tongues wagging
    сплетничать, "распустить языки"
    The conflict between Landcroft and his wife set tongues wagging around the neighborhood.
  • sharp tongue
    (иметь) острый язык, (быть) критичным, не добрым
    Nobody likes Cora; she has a sharp tongue and she very often says very unkind things to others.
  • shoot one's mouth off
    хвастливо болтать или говорить о том, чего хорошо не знаешь
    Sandra always shoots her mouth off about something she doesn't know very well.
  • show one's teeth
    показать свой гнев или силу, "оскалить зубы"
    I got upset because my boss showed his teeth when I began to argue with him about my job.
  • Shut your mouth!
    замолчать, заткнуться
    Silvia's bragging got on my nerves, so I asked her to shut up.
  • slip of the tongue
    "I didn't mean to say that; it was a slip of the tongue."
  • speak with a forked tongue
    I suspect that Mark speaks with a forked tongue that's why everyone distrusts him.
  • take the words out of (someone's) mouth
    предвосхитить то, что хотел сказать другой
    I wanted to add a few more items to the agenda, but the chairman took the words out of my mouth.
  • throw one's voice
    произносить слова с закрытым ртом (чревовещать)
    The voodoo priest knew how to throw his voice.
  • tooth and nail
    изо всех сил, не жалея сил, неистово
    When the man was captured, he fought tooth and nail to get away.
  • watch one's mouth/tongue
    не быть грубым, следить за своим языком
    "Look here, Adam! Why don't you ever watch your tongue? Why are you always rude to me?"
  • zip one's lip
    не выдавать секрет, не болтать
    "Please, zip your lip and stop talking about the things you do not understand."