Идиомы на букву O

  • open one's heart to (someone)
    довериться, рассказать о своих чувствах
    There were just the two of us in the compartment and my fellow traveler started to open her heart to me.
  • out of one's element
    не соответствовать, не подходить
    I was out of my element acting as interpreter for an American delegation; my English is not that good.
  • out of one's hair
    надоедать кому-либо
    My little brother is bothering me and I'd like to get him out of my hair.
  • out of one's league
    неравный кому-либо
    I soon discovered that my new acquaintance was out of my league.
  • out of one's shell
    (выйти) из своей скорлупы, преодолеть смущение
    I tried to get the girl out of her shell, but I was not able to.
  • out of the corner of one's eye
    мельком взглянуть, увидеть краем глаза
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel approaching me.
  • out on one's ear
    заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо против воли, силой (выгнать с работы, из дома)
    The student failed to pass exams and was quickly out on his ear.
  • over one's head
    не в состоянии понять
    All this is over my head; I am not able to understand what they want.