Идиомы на букву P

  • play it by ear
    принять решение в зависимости от ситуации
    Mark didn't have a definite plan of action; he decided to play it by ear.
  • play one's ace
    использовать лучшие ресурсы (козыри)
    We were going to play our ace when we decided to supply our company with new equipment.
  • play one's cards close to one's chest
    вести переговоры в осторожной и конфиденциальной манере
    Sue played her cards close to her chest when she went to the bank to settle her problem.
  • play one's cards right
    воспользоваться своей возможностью наилучшим образом
    I hope to play my cards right and get a promotion soon.
  • play possum
    притвориться больным или мёртвым; прикинуться не понимающим
    "Don't you try to play possum; you know what I am talking about."
  • play the market
    спекулировать, играть на бирже
    Denis has inherited a lot of money and he intends to play the market.
  • plea bargain
    признать свою вину (с целью смягчения наказания)
    Timothy Eagles thought he would receive a light punishment if he plead bargain.
  • PLO
    Please Leave On - пожалуйста не стирайте (надпись на школьной доске)
    The teacher wanted the information to be left on the board, so she wrote PLO on it.
  • plug a product
    содействовать распространению продукта
    The movie star made a lot of money by plugging new products.
  • PM
    Post Meridiem - после полудня
    The children usually come home from school at two p.m.
  • poetic justice
    идеальная справедливость
    I think it is poetic justice that Henry got the punishment he deserves.
  • point the finger (of blame) at (someone)
    винить кого-либо в чём-либо, "указать пальцем на кого-либо"
    "I don't wish to point the finger of blame at Mark, but I am sure that he is the guilty person."
  • poke one's nose into (something)
    вмешиваться во что-либо, "совать нос"
    I'd rather you didn't poke your nose into my private affairs.
  • poker face
    бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо
    George had a poker face when he tried to deceive me.
  • polish the apple
    льстить, стараться заслужить чьё-либо расположение
    Nora tried to polish the apple with Dick Barstow; she wanted to get into his favor.
  • pony up
    расплачиваться, платить
    It is time for Sarah to pony up and pay for the car that she bought from me.
  • pop the question
    сделать предложение о браке
    John popped the question to Betty, but she refused him.
  • post mortem
    вскрытие трупа для определения причины смерти
    To determine the cause of the woman's death the autopsist performed a post mortem on her body.
  • pot calling the kettle black
    кто бы говорил, а ты бы помалкивал (оба хороши)
    "You were as good a son as I was a brother. It's like the pot calling the kettle black."
  • pour money down the drain
    зря тратить деньги, транжирить
    Mary often buys things which she really doesn't need; I think she pours money down the drain.
  • pour one's heart out (to someone)
    излить душу кому-либо, высказать самое заветное
    I saw that something was worrying Fanny and I said she would feel better if she poured her heart out to me.
  • POW
    Prisoner of War - военнопленный
    When the Second World Was ended, the negotiations regarding POWs lasted for a few years.
  • powder one's nose
    попудрить носик
    Rita told her boyfriend that she would like to go to the dressing room to powder her nose.
  • power of attorney
    Robert Crow has been given power of attorney over his father's money.
  • PR
    Public Relations - пиар, связи с общественностью
    The politician easily won the election due to good PR.
  • preferred customer
    постоянный и выгодный клиент
    Sally used to be a preferred customer of one of the bookstores in New York.
  • preliminary hearing
    предварительное слушание
    There was no need for a preliminary hearing because there was not enough evidence to charge the man with the crime.
  • press the flesh
    пожимать всем руки (чтобы приобрести популярность)
    If a politician wants to be more popular, he should press the flesh of the public at large.
  • prick up one's ears
    прислушиваться, "навострить уши"
    My parents seemed to be talking about me, so I pricked up my ears.
  • prima facie
    на первый взгляд, кажущийся достоверным
    Prima facie it appeared that the supervisor had enough evidence to take legal action against one of the employees.
  • privy to something
    посвящённый во что-либо
    William was not privy to Miranda's life, so he couldn't say whether she had any secrets.
  • PS
    Postscript - постскриптум
    If I want to add some extra information, I write PS at the very end of a letter.
  • PTA
    Parent-Teacher Association - Учительско-родительская ассоциация
    The teacher told the pupils' parents that a PTA meeting would be held on Friday.
  • PTO
    Please Turn Over - пожалуйста, смотрите на обороте
    Ann wrote PTO on the page of her note to make sure that I would look at the other side of the page.
  • publish or perish
    публиковать свои труды, если хочешь преуспеть
    Stuart had to publish or perish if he wanted to advance in his career at the university.